General Day stars

Clash of the day with the year
Clash of the Day with the Year is a day that goes against the energies of the year and is one of the generally unfavorable days to avoid for important events. It is inauspicious to initiate significant tasks on a day of Collision with the Year because such undertakings counteract the energy of the year. It is advisable not to schedule important personal or business events on these days
Day-Month Clash
Day-Month Clash (月破 Yue-Po). The energies of the days conflict with the energies of the current month, so such days are highly unfavorable for important events or beginnings.
Three Sha in Bazi and Date Selection
In Feng Shui, there is a concept of Three Killings or Three Sha (三煞 Sān-shā). This direction, which is considered unfavorable and dangerous in the current year, is usually avoided to prevent misfortunes and disasters. It is generally not recommended to build, renovate, or dig in the house or on the plot of land in the direction of the Three Sha.
Year Sha
Here we will talk about Year Sha. Sha of the year (Sui-sha 歲煞) is one of the types of “Three Sha” or “Three Killings”. The calculation of the Three Shas is done on the basis of the interaction of the Earthly branches of the year and day. Determining the Year Sha is quite simple, you just need to know the animal of the year and day. For example, in any year of the Rat, the years are the days of the Goat, in the year of the Ox, the days of the Dragon, and so on.
Robbery Sha
Here we talk about the Robbery Sha. The Robbery Sha (Jie-sha 劫煞) is one of the types of “Three Sha” or “Three Killings”. Determining the Robbery Sha is very simple, you just need to know the animal of the year and day. For example, in any year of the Tiger the Robbery Sha these are the days of the Pig, in the year of the Rabbit these are the days of the Monkey and so on.
Calamity Sha
Here we will talk about the Calamity Sha. Calamity Sha (Zai-sha 劫煞) is one of the types of “Three Sha” or “Three Killings”. It is not difficult to determine the Calamity Sha; you just need to know the animal of the year and day. For example, in any year of the Rabbit Sha, calamities are the days of the Rooster, in the year of the Dragon - the days of the Horse, and so on.
No Wealth days
On the so-called No Wealth days (無祿日 Wu-lu-zhi), which are also called the Big Disaster Days or Ten Ferocious Days(十惡大敗日 Shi-e-da-bai-zhi), you should not make responsible financial decisions or take important actions related to money or wealth, such as investing money or investing it for growth.
Separating Days
In the Chinese solar calendar, there are days on which Qi stagnates and dies. They are called the Four Separating Days (四離日 Si li ri). The Four Separating Days are the four days of the year when yin and yang Qi flow in and out as the seasons change. On such days, the flow of energy is depleted, Qi is considered obsolete and useless, and there is no vitality in it. We can say that the Four Separating Days in themselves are neither bad nor auspicious...
Days of Time Wasting
The Days of Time Wasting or Four Wastes (四廢 Si-fei), are several days that Master Tong defined as days of wasted effort and time. In addition to the “Days of Time Wasting” there are also “Days of True Time Wasting” (正四廢 Zhen si fei), these are similar, but different days. Master Dong's Classics (董公擇日 Dong gong jie zhi) describes how to find both sets of days. The Days of Time Wasting are four days, in each of the four seasons of the year according to the Chinese calendar, there is one such day.
Days of True Time Wasting
Days of True Time Wasting or Four True Wastes (正四廢 Zhen si fei), are several days that Master Dong, who created the classic of date selection, defined as days of wasted effort and time. In addition to the “Days of True Time Wasting,” there are simply “Days of Time Wasting ” (四廢 Si-fei). The Classic of Master Dong (董公擇日 Dong gong jie zhi) describes how to find both days. There are four Days of True Time Wasting; there is one such day in each of the four seasons.
Three Sha of the month
In addition to the days of the annual Sha (Three Killings), there are also the Three Killings of the Month (月三煞 Yue San-sha). These are the days that are the Triple Sha for the Earthly branch of a given month. The monthly Three Killings are determined in the same way as the annual ones, however, for the monthly Sha, the reference point is the Earthly branch (also known as the animal sign) of the month, not the year. But if the Earthly branches of the year
Month Sha
The Month Sha (Yue-sha 月煞) is one of the "Three Sha" or "Three Killings" of the month. Three Killings of the month can be found in the same way as the Year Sha, but for the Month Sha, the point of reference is the Earthly Branch (aka the animal sign) of the month, not the year. It is true that while the Earthly Branches of the year (the so-called "animals of the Chinese zodiac") are known to many, the animals of the month are much less well-known.
Month Robbery Sha
Month Robbery Sha(Yue Jie-sha 月劫煞) is one of the types of the “Three Sha'' or “Three Killings” of the month. The Three Killings of the month can be found in the same way as the Year Sha, but the reference point for the Month Sha is the Earthly branch (aka animal sign) of the month, not the year. True, if the Earthly branches of the year (the so-called “animals of the Chinese zodiac”) are known to many, less is known about the animals of the month.
Month Calamity Sha
Month Calamity Sha (Yue Zai-sha 月災煞) is one of the types of “Three Sha” or “Three Killings”. The calculation of the Three Shas of the month is provided on the basis of the interaction between the Earthly branch (animals) of the month and the one of the day. For example, in the month of the Horse (Wu), the Three Killings will be the days of the Pig (Hai), Rat (Zi) and Ox (Chou). But these are not the same negative energies, but three types of different sha: the Month Robbery Sha (Yue Jie-sha 月劫煞)
Penalties and Punishments of Bazi when choosing dates
In Bazi and in the Chinese date selection system there is such a thing as “Penalties” or “Punishments”. They appear when a certain combination of Earthly branches arises, better known as the “animals of the Chinese horoscope”. Many people know that the names of animals refer to years, but in the Chinese calendar the same animals (Earthly branches) designate months, days, and even hours.
The Ungrateful Punishment Day
The Ungrateful Punishment occurs when three animals: Monkey 申, Snake 巳 and Tiger 寅 come together in any order. It can be the year of the Tiger 寅, the month of the Monkey 申 and the day of the Snake 巳 or vice versa, the year of the Monkey 申, the month of the Snake 巳 and the day of the Tiger 寅.
Loveless Punishment
The Loveless Punishment or Uncivilized Punishment (無禮之刑 Wu Li Zhixing) appears when two animals, the Rat 子 and the Rabbit 卯, come together in any order. This could be the year of the Rat 子, the day of the Rabbit 卯, the month of the Rabbit 卯, the day of the Rat 子, or vice versa. The Uncivilized Punishment has a stronger effect when the Rat 子 and the Rabbit 卯 are next to each other, that is, in the current day and month, and not in the year.
Days of Self Penalty
Self Penalty (自刑 Zi Xing) occurs when certain animals that do not like their own kind meet, these are: Dragon 辰 and Dragon 辰, Rooster 酉 and Rooster 酉, Horse 午 and Horse 午, Pig 亥 and Pig 亥. This can be the year of Horse 午 and the day of Horse 午, the month of Pig 亥 and the day of Pig 亥, or the month of Dragon 辰 and the day of Dragon 辰. Self Penalty has a stronger effect when two similar animals stand next to each other, that is, in the current day and month, and not in the year.
Earth punishment
The Earth Punishment, also called the "Frightening Penalty", "Humiliating Penalty" or "Bully Punishment" (恃勢之刑 Shishi Zhixing) occurs when three animals meet in a day: the Ox 丑 Goat 未 and the Dog 戌. These branches can appear in any order, such as when the year of the Ox 丑 comes with the month of the Goat 未 and the day of the Dog 戌, or vice versa.
Three mystics
Abandonment Days


All 12 Day Officers

12 Day Officers (Shi’er zhi shen) is a method in the art of choosing dates based on the interaction of month and day. Based on their combination, it is determined what should and should not be done on this day in accordance with the characteristics of its

28 Lunar mansions of the Chinese Lunar Zodiac

The Chinese lunar mansions are somewhat similar to the European zodiac constellations, but they are smaller in size, because there are 12 European zodiac constellations, and 28 Chinese ones.

General Day stars

General Day stars are additional factors that indicate the favorableness of the day based on the interaction of day and year, day and month. Unlike Personal Stars, they influence the luck of the day for all people on Earth.

General Hours

Choosing an auspicious hour is an important part of the art of choosing dates. A good hour can neutralize the negativity of the day.

24 solar terms of the Chinese calendar

In the Chinese calendar, the annual circle is divided into 24 minor solar terms. Each solar term lasts fifteen to sixteen days. They determine the beginning of agricultural work, including tea harvesting seasons, and the holding of traditional Chinese hol

Personal Day stars

There are both General Day stars and Personal ones. These stars show the auspiciousness of the day personally for each person, taking into account his Bazi horoscope.


Here are articles about various activations that will appear in our Chinese Fortune Calendar