Day-Month Clash


Day-Month Clash (月破 Yue-Po). The energies of these days conflict with the energies of the current month, so such days are highly unfavorable for important events or beginnings. 

The Day-Month Clash has a stronger influence on a person than the Day- Year Clash, hence it is considered more dangerous to use such a day. The reason for this lies in the fact that the monthly Qi energy is closer to a specific day than the yearly energy. We can draw a simple analogy with local rulers and central authority. Ordinary people usually fear local authorities more than the central government. This is because local authorities, being closer to us, can bring much more trouble, while the central government, located far away in the capital, may not be as feared.

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Although the energies of the month dominate for a shorter period, they have a stronger and clearer influence on a specific day. The energies of the year exert a more general influence; they are further from a specific day than the energies of the month. Furthermore, the Days-Month Clash coincide with the Day Clash (破 Po) – the worst of the 12 day indicators. It can be said that negative energies double their strength. Therefore, it is highly recommended not to undertake any important personal or financial matters on the Days-Month Clash.

We can find Days-Month Clashes in a similar manner to how we calculate Day-Year Clashes. Each month and day corresponds to a specific animal in the Chinese zodiac, and animals that are opposite each other clash. For example, February roughly corresponds to the month of the Tiger (the Chinese month of the Tiger usually lasts from February 4th to March 5th), which clashes with the Monkey. Therefore, all days of the Monkey in February are Day-Month Clashes. March is the month of the Rabbit (from March 5th to April 4th), which clashes with the Rooster. Therefore, all days of the Rooster in March are Day Clashes with the Month. Of course, to accurately determine the animal of the month or day, one must be able to use the Chinese calendar. But even if you don't have such a calendar, you can use our website to determine all Day-Month Clashes.

What results are the results of the actions taken on the Day-Month Clash? If you get married on this day, then the relationship develops with difficulties, many problems and complications arise, such a marriage easily breaks up. In short, promises made on this day are easier to break.

If you sign any important agreement on the Day-Month Clash, then it's highly likely that the parties will violate their obligations. It may even turn out that the contract will be violated immediately, already at the moment of signing. If a company officially opens on the Day-Month Clash, there is a high probability that its business will go downhill in the near future.

If on the Day-Month Clash you move a house, expect problems with your neighbors; If you buy your own house, you may not own it for long: it turns out that not everything is in order with the papers.

According to some old texts, Day-Month Clashes can have useful applications. For example, on these days, one can finish old tasks or demolish an old house. Perhaps, this is the best use of Day-Month Clashes. Of course, on such days, you can also rest, perform religious activities, prayers, meditations, and engage in simple current affairs.

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Some date selection specialists recommend performing removal-related operations on Day-Month Clashes, such as tumor or cataract removal. However, when deciding to undergo such operations on a Day-Month Clash, one must be extremely cautious! In surgery, it is crucial to consider potential complications, and you certainly do not want complications to arise because the operation was scheduled on a Day-Month Clash! Such days should only be chosen in special circumstances and under very limited conditions. Even then, it is permissible only if the day is accompanied by a sufficient number of auspicious stars and if an extremely favorable and convenient hour is selected, which you can verify using our"Feng Shui Fortune Calendar" app.