Feng Shui Fortune Calendar

February 18, 2025 Tuesday
立春 season «Beginning of Spring»
General data, sign in for personal.

This day in Chinese calendar

Day Month Year
Earth Yang
Earth Yang
Wood Yin
Fire Yang, Horse
Wood Yang, Tiger
Fire Yin, Snake

What will bring you luck today

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(+1 Auspicious, +2 Good, +3 Excellent).



定 Stable
The energy during this day is very stable, it is a positive day and it means that whatever is planned and started on this day will have longevity. Therefore, in general, the day is good for starting long-term projects, for example, starting a family. It is a time for making deals, meeting with friends and seeking medical help. It is a suitable time for starting a long-term business or entering a regular job, for official openings, starting construction works, concluding agreements with long time partners and for employing reliable staff. However, it is not a good time to receive a loan, since it will take a long time to pay it back. It is also undesirable to organize any relocation, plan funerals or start a new journey at this time, as this may mean more moving. Of course, this may, however, suit those who like to travel constantly.

Positive and negative signs of the day

Positive stars of the day

No positive stars present.

Negative stars of the day

孤獨鸞鳥 Lonely Luan
The day brings loneliness. It is not suitable for weddings, dates and other personal matters. You should be especially careful if you make a date during your personal Red Luan or Wizard of Love (determined individually according to bazi), because Lonely Luan destroys the Wizard.


21 Lunar day (beginning in 9:58 PM)

Today, any group affairs are useful, be it a business, relations, sport or a party. You can try to search for previously misplaced items. There may also be a desire for change. Do not turn off the path, go straight to the goal. Herbal baths and saunas are very beneficial.

Lunar Mansions

13 Room 室 (Shì). Associated with a ceremonial pyre in which victims are immolated, a temple where a sacrificial flame burned, or a house where various sacrificial offerings are stored. All building activity will be beneficial. All kinds of good fortune accrue to the instigator of schemes. This is a favourable star for a wedding as it will bring many good descendants! Being a good and positive star, it is also good for commencing a new business or construction and it brings a good profit from these activities. Favors are bestowed by officials for work done. Family meetings and the transmission of knowledge to the youngest bring luck and harmony. Heaven will shower its bounteous gifts on the person designated by this sign.


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(-1 Unfavourable, -2 Bad, -3 Awful).



壬 - 子

00:00 - 01:00

Hour positive stars

金匱 Golden Castle
The hour with a star of wealth. Favourable for many actions, primarily, of course, related to finances.

Hour negative stars

旬空 Group Emptiness
Any hour that has this star should not be used for marriage in particular. The energies of this star denote missing items or missing documents.

截路空亡 Road Emptiness
There are obstacles and braking in motion. It is not recommended to start any kind of traveling or driving.

日 破 Day Breaker
The energy of the hour goes against the energy of the day. Avoid selecting or using this hour for any activity of importance. The hour is especially not suitable for a wedding, starting new business, travelling. As a result, delays, cancellation of agreements and other problems may arise.

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癸 - 丑

01:00 - 03:00

Hour positive stars

天乙 Heavenly Noble Man
A good hour for any action. The positive energy of the hour can not only increase the positive effect of a favourable day, but also neutralize the energy of a bad day. The Heavenly Noble Man neutralizes the emptiness of the hour, weakens the influence of the destroyer of the day. This is a protecting sign… our guardian angel.

五合 Harmony of the Heavenly Stems
The hour is favourable for public speaking, presentations, communication, and for persuading people and building relationships.

恩光 Precious Light
The hour is favourable for setting up a business and beginning new projects, for pleasant interaction, visiting, as well as for funerals, weddings, praying, beginning construction works and making repairs.

Hour negative stars

截路空亡 Road Emptiness
There are obstacles and braking in motion. It is not recommended to start any kind of traveling or driving.

害 Damage of the Hour
This hour brings unfaithfulness and treason. Do not use it for partnership related actions. Weddings, dates and discussions of important personal and business issues will not be successful. It is also not the time to get a job, hold corporate events and big celebrations.

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甲 - 寅

03:00 - 05:00

Hour positive stars

三合 Partial Three Harmony Hour
It is a very harmonious hour. It is good for building relationships. At this hour people will hear and understand each other better. You can arrange business discussions, negotiations and look for ways to make compromises. An hour of Three Harmonies softens the effect of adverse factors (damages, collisions, punishments) and negative stars of the day.

金匱 Treasure Star
The Hour is good for financial matters, making deals and shopping.

Hour negative stars

不遇 An Inhospitable Hour
The energy of the hour controls the energy of the day. During such hours it is unfavorable to arrange weddings, as well as to arrange feasts, large personal and solemn events.

不遇 Non Eligible Hour
Any undertaking is doomed to failure. Actions begun at this hour may end in nothing, since the prevailing circumstances will lead to the futility of all expended efforts.

白虎 White Tiger
Injuries, cuts and bodily harm are likely to occur if you choose to commence your activity or endeavor at an hour that contains the White Tiger Star. It is very important to avoid selecting an hour that contains the White Tiger Star if you plan to engage in activities pertaining to your health or medical procedures.

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乙 - 卯

05:00 - 07:00

Hour positive stars

天官 Heavenly Officer
A good hour to resolve issues with any officials. You can appeal to a court, police, local tax office and other government agencies. A good time to ask for promotion at work or to stand fast before the authorities. Officials and superiors will behave towards you more generously and benevolently, but within their powers, of course.

玉堂 Jade Palace
This Star is favourable for acquiring valuable commodities. You should choose the hour that comes with this star if your deal with commercial transactions, money issues or acquisition of anything of value. It is favourable for commercial transactions and financial issues.

Hour negative stars

破 Destruction in the Hour
The hour destroys relationship between people; you should not arrange weddings or dates. Don’t discuss important personal or business issues, get a job or hold corporate events and big celebrations.

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丙 - 辰

07:00 - 09:00

Hour positive stars

喜神 Happy Spirit
The hour is suitable for festive occasions and ceremonies - weddings, anniversaries, celebrations and parties.

Hour negative stars

天牢 Heavenly Jail
The hour leads to stiffness, obstacles and delays. One should not start any businesses with a clear deadline.

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丁 - 巳

09:00 - 11:00

Hour positive stars

⽇禄 Day Wealth
The hour is very favourable for resolving financial issues, conducting cash transactions, business affairs and signing contracts.

Hour negative stars

玄武 Black Tortoise
If an hour containing a Black Tortoise Star is used, your activity or endeavor will be influenced by negative energies that can bring about theft, robbery or loss or misplacement of items. If you have to submit documents or important items, do not use an hour that contains this star.

This is a neutral hour, it has neither positive nor negative influences.
戊 - 午

11:00 - 13:00

Hour positive stars

日建 Day Establishment
The hour is good for starting any action or event.

Hour negative stars

自刑 Self Penalty
The hour indicates the possibility of mistakes; people can create problems for themselves if they initiate important actions on this hour. All hour they can run around in circles and it will all be in vain. It is useful to stop, look round in the cold light of hour and proceed without any undue haste.

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己 - 未

13:00 - 15:00

Hour positive stars

天乙 Heavenly Noble Man
A good hour for any action. The positive energy of the hour can not only increase the positive effect of a favourable day, but also neutralize the energy of a bad day. The Heavenly Noble Man neutralizes the emptiness of the hour, weakens the influence of the destroyer of the day. This is a protecting sign… our guardian angel.

日合 Harmonious hour
A good hour for building relationships. At this hour people will hear and understand each other better. The hour is favourable for establishing contacts, persuading other people, giving speeches and improving the interaction between various parties. Harmonious hour softens the effect of collisions in the day.

Hour negative stars

勾陳 Grappling Hook
This star denotes being deceived or cheated. This star is not usable for activities such as marriage, business dealings or signing a contract.

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庚 - 申

15:00 - 17:00

Hour positive stars

驿马 Travelling Horse
The hour is favourable for starting travels and trips. This star has an accelerating effect on all processes started at this time.

食神 Happy Hour
This good hour is supported by the day; it can be used for communication, personal meetings, social events, public speaking, and celebrations.

福星 Prosperity Star
Fu Xing is a lucky star similar to the Treasure Star (金匱) and the Jade Hall (玉堂). The hour of Prosperity Star is favorable for wealth accumulation and moving up the career ladder. Fu Xing is associated with the God of Wealth. This Star helps in organizing business receptions, assuming office and taking oaths, and is also favorable for burials, business travel, starting a new business, collecting debts or meeting with high-ranking officials.

青龍 Green Dragon
Excellent hour, which brings good luck in many endeavours especially if, at that very hour, the Heavenly Noble comes.

Hour negative stars

This hour no.

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辛 - 酉

17:00 - 19:00

Hour positive stars

明堂 Lightful Palace
This is a Successful hour; it is suitable for any activity. All plans will be executed successfully and without interference.

Hour negative stars

This hour no.

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壬 - 戌

19:00 - 21:00

Hour positive stars

三合 Hour of Three Harmonies
A very harmonious hour, very suitable for building relationships, at this hour people will hear and understand each other better. You can arrange business discussions, negotiations and look for ways to make compromises. The Hour of Three Harmonies softens the effect of adverse factors (damages, collisions, punishments) and negative stars of the day.

三合 Partial Three Harmony Hour
It is a very harmonious hour. It is good for building relationships. At this hour people will hear and understand each other better. You can arrange business discussions, negotiations and look for ways to make compromises. An hour of Three Harmonies softens the effect of adverse factors (damages, collisions, punishments) and negative stars of the day.

Hour negative stars

截路空亡 Road Emptiness
There are obstacles and braking in motion. It is not recommended to start any kind of traveling or driving.

天刑 Heavenly Punishment
The hour is unfavorable for communicating with officials and superiors, for legal proceedings. One should not enter into disputes and discussions. The hour is not suitable for active and aggressive actions.

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癸 - 亥

21:00 - 23:00

Hour positive stars

五合 Harmony of the Heavenly Stems
The hour is favourable for public speaking, presentations, communication, and for persuading people and building relationships.

Hour negative stars

截路空亡 Road Emptiness
There are obstacles and braking in motion. It is not recommended to start any kind of traveling or driving.

朱雀 Red Phoenix
This star denotes arguments and disputes, and is particularly negative if negotiations or legal disputes are involved. It is not good to select an hour that contains the Red Phoenix if you are making a submission to request for something, such as a decision or a contract.

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甲 - 子

23:00 - 00:00

Hour positive stars

金匱 Golden Castle
The hour with a star of wealth. Favourable for many actions, primarily, of course, related to finances.

Hour negative stars

旬空 Group Emptiness
Any hour that has this star should not be used for marriage in particular. The energies of this star denote missing items or missing documents.

截路空亡 Road Emptiness
There are obstacles and braking in motion. It is not recommended to start any kind of traveling or driving.

日 破 Day Breaker
The energy of the hour goes against the energy of the day. Avoid selecting or using this hour for any activity of importance. The hour is especially not suitable for a wedding, starting new business, travelling. As a result, delays, cancellation of agreements and other problems may arise.

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