Destruction in the day in Bazi
Destruction in the day (破 Po). Destruction in Bazi is behavior, attitude or actions that are obviously destructive to the person himself
To independently calculate the days of Destruction, you should know the Earthly branches (the so-called "animals of the Chinese zodiac") of the month and day. They can be found in any Chinese calendar. If you are not familiar with it, you can always see the days of Destruction in our Feng Shui Fortune Calendar. When you enable the Personal Feng Shui Fortune Calendar, you will see many individual stars affecting your personal luck on that day.
Install the "Feng Shui Fortune Calendar" app and choose auspicious days for any task right from your smartphone.
There are six variations of Destruction in relationships between animals
Rat 子 - Rooster 酉
Pig 亥 - Tiger 寅
Dog 戌 - Goat 未
Horse 午 - Rabbit 卯
Monkey 申 - Snake 巳
Dragon 辰 - Ox 丑
In the table below you can see how to find the Destruction days. For example, it is the day of the Rat in the month of the Rooster, or all the days of the Rooster in the month of the Rat, etc.
Animal of the month |
Animal of the day |
Rat 子 |
Rooster 酉 |
Pig 亥 |
Tiber 寅 |
Dog 戌 |
Goat 未 |
Horse 午 |
Rabbit 卯 |
Monkey 申 |
Snake 巳 |
Dragon 辰 |
Ox 丑 |
Rooster 酉 |
Rat 子 |
Tiger 寅 |
Pig 亥 |
Goat 未 |
Dog 戌 |
Rabbit 卯 |
Horse 午 |
Snake 巳 |
Monkey 申 |
Ox 丑 |
Dragon 辰 |
As the name suggests, the Destruction destroys relationships between people. You should not arrange weddings, romantic dates, discuss important personal and business matters and questions on such a day, as well as get a job, hold corporate events and big celebrations.
Enable your Personal Feng Shui Fortune Calendar and receive personalized information about the auspiciousness of days and hours based on your own Bazi horoscope.
Destruction in the day indicates the likelihood of events or situations that make a person feel cornered. To perform actions that are not beneficial to him, but circumstances force him to perform them. A person finds himself in a situation of no choice and is forced to act to his own detriment.
Traditionally, destruction is associated with an unfavorable outcome for a person. However, if you consider negative experience as a starting point for internal development, the Destruction can be useful. If you need to part with the old in order to acquire something new, then the Destruction can be very useful. After all, you can adapt to events, learn a lesson from them and begin to develop in a new direction.