The Year Storage Star


The Year Storage Star (歲墓 Sui Mu) is one of the positive stars used in Bazi and the date selection system. A day with this star is good for acquiring real estate and other durable property.

The Year Storage Star is always the day of one of the four Earth Animals – Dragon 辰, Dog 戌, Ox 丑 or Goat 未. They are also called “Graves” because they represent the month when the Heavenly Pillar element of the year enters the “grave” according to the principle of developing qi phases in Bazi. The element entering the grave stage is collected in the ground, stored there, hence the name of the star: Storage. Only money and material objects can be hidden for storage, so this star is associated with the accumulation and preservation of money and material values.

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To calculate the Year Star Storage, we use the Heavenly Pillar of the current year and the Earthly Branch (animal) of the day. If you have not studied the Chinese Calendar, it is not so easy to determine them yourself. Many are familiar only with the "animals of the Chinese zodiac", that is, the Earthly branches of the years. The Heavenly Pillar of the year is reflected in the color or element of the animal of the year. For example, when we say that 2021 is the year of the "Metal Ox" or "White Ox", then the Metal element and its white color just indicate the Heavenly Pillar of the year, Yin Metal in the case of 2021. Another option for determining the Heavenly Pillar of the year is simpler: all years ending in 0 and 1 will have a Heavenly Pillar of Metal, Yang or Yin. For example, 2020 is the year of the Metal Rat, and 2021 is the year of the Metal Ox. Years ending in 2 and 3 will have Heavenly Pillars of Water, those ending in 4 and 5 are Wood, 6 and 7 are Fire, and 8 and 9 are Earth. It is important to remember that the Chinese year begins on February 4, not January 1.

It is more difficult to determine the Earthly Branch (animal) of the day. But you can always find it in our Fortune Calendar, as well as the Year Star Storage and other stars that influence your luck. When you enable the Personal Calendar, you will also see the Personal Stars and all recommendations for the day will be issued personally for you.

How are the elements distributed among the four animals of the Earth? The Dragon is the Water Element Storage, the Dog is the Fire Element Storage, the Ox is the Metal Element Storage, and the Goat is the Wood Element Storage. Thus, in years with the Wood yang 甲 and Wood yin 乙 Heavenly Pillar, the Year Star Storage will be all the Goat 未 days. There is no special Storage for the Earth Element, since the four Earth Animals are already Storages. Therefore, in years with the Earth Heavenly Pillars, all four Earth Animals will be Storages.

The table shows the days with the Year Star Storages for each year.

Heavenly Pillar of the Year

Year Star Storage – Earth Daily Branch 


Wood 甲乙

Goat 未

Fire 丙丁

Dog 戌

Earth 戊己

Goat 未, Dog 戌, Ox 丑, Dragon 辰

Metall 庚辛

Ox 丑

Water 壬癸

Dragon 辰


A day with the Year Storage Star  is very suitable for purchasing real estate, as well as other long-term property. On this day, you can also put money on deposit in a bank for a long term. The money will remain safe, will grow and multiply.

Install the "Feng Shui Fortune Calendar" app and choose auspicious days for any task right from your smartphone.

The Storage Star in Bazi is the Earthly branch, which is the Storage for the Money aspect of the personality. Therefore, the meaning of the Storage Star in Bazi in a person’s chart is his ability to accumulate and save wealth. Calculate your Bazi chart and see if you have such a Storage Star.

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