The Lonely Day in Bazi


There are days that carry the energy of separation and  disagreement. In the date selection system, they are called "Lonely Days" (孤獨天 Gudu Tian). Such days bring loneliness and difficulties in communication.

Install the "Feng Shui Fortune Calendar" app and choose auspicious days for any task right from your smartphone.

The Lonely days are only five specific days out of 60 pairs of Jiazi, which indicate days in the Chinese calendar. To find the lonely days, you need to know the Heavenly Pillar and Earthly Branch of the current day. If you are not familiar with this calendar, you can always find lonely days in our Fortune Calendar. When connecting a Personal Feng Shui Fortune Calendar, you will also be able to see personal stars that influence your personal luck on this day.

The table below shows how to calculate the lonely days. These are, for example, the days of the Wood Tiger (甲寅), Fire Goat (丁未) and others indicated in the table…

Heavenly Pillar of the Day

Yang Wood

Yin Fire

Yin Earth

Металл ян

Вода инь

Earthly Branch of the Day







Enable your Personal Feng Shui Fortune Calendar and receive personalized information about the auspiciousness of days and hours based on your own Bazi horoscope.

Since lonely days bring the energy of  separation, they are not good for any actions requiring  friendship, partnership and cooperation. They don't fit for, e.g. for marriage, partnership agreements, new connections and contacts, group work, signing agreements and any other group activities. Partnership and joint work on such days brings little success, on the contrary, there may be breaks in connections, separation and alienation between people.

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