Month Calamity Sha


Month Calamity Sha (Yue Zai-sha 月災煞) is one of the types of “Three Sha” or “Three Killings”.  Three Killings of the Month are determined in the same way as the Year Sha, but the reference point for the Month Sha is the Earthly branch (aka animal sign) of the month, not the year. It’s true that when the Earthly branches of the year (the so-called “animals of the Chinese zodiac”) are known to many, the animals of the month are way less famous. However, identifying the animal of the month in general is not difficult, since they indicate the 12 months of the year, similar to how it is done in the Gregorian calendar, which we are used to applying. The only difference is that Chinese months never start on the 1st of the Gregorian calendar and never end on the 30th/31st. We discussed the correspondence between the Chinese and the Gregorian months in more detail here..

The calculation of the Three Shas of the month is done on the basis of the interaction of the Earthly branches (animals) of the month and day. For example, in the month of the Horse (Wu), the Three Killings will be the days of the Pig (Hai), Rat (Zi) and Ox (Chou). But these are not the same negative energies, but three types of different sha: the Month Robbery Sha (Yue Jie-sha 月劫煞), the Month Calamity Sha  (Yue Zai-sha 月災煞) and the Month Sha (Yue-sha 月煞). The Three Month Shas also exist in Feng Shui. But in Feng Shui we define them not as days, but as cardinal directions. In the picture above we see that in the month of Horse the directions of the Three Sha are: the last sector of the northwest (Pig), the middle of the north (Rat) and the beginning of the northeast (Ox).

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Here we will talk about the Month Calamity Sha, which is often called the Disaster Sha or the Misfortune Sha. You can find the Month Calamity Sha using the table below. For example, in any month of the Goat the days of the Rooster are the Month Calamity Sha, in the month of the Rooster these are the days of the Rabbit, and so on.

Month Calamity Sha


Calamity Sha


Rat 子

Horse 午

Ox 丑

Rabbit 卯

Тигр 寅

Rat 子

Rabbit 卯

Rooster 酉

Dragon 辰

Horse 午

Snake 巳

Rabbit 卯

Horse 午

Rat 子

Goat 未

Rooster 酉

Monkey 申

Horse 午

Rooster 酉

Rabbit 卯

Dog 戌

Rat 子

Pig 亥

Rooster 酉


The Month Calamity Sha is always one of the four Earthly branches/animals: Horse, Rabbit, Rooster or Rat. In Bazi, the signs of the Month Calamity Sha belong to the group of “four cardinals”, these are familiar to many students of Chinese metaphysics “Peach Blossoms”. They mean the possibility of romantic relationships, therefore in Feng Shui they are used to activate marriage luck. Because of this, problems during the Month Calamity Sha days often appear in the male-feemale relationship.

It is believed that the Month Calamity Sha days can bring bodily injuries and illnesses. Possible problems are related to personal relationships, and harm to health is caused by a person of the opposite sex due to sexual scandals and passions. The day implies sexually transmitted diseases, infidelity, bodily harm, raping.

A day with the Month Calamity Sha is also a bad day for medical procedures, especially if they are performed by a person of the opposite sex. Therefore, do not schedule a visit to the doctor, medical examinations or therapeutic measures on such a day.

However, since the day of the Three Killings of the Month is a day that is in a negative relationship with the month and not the year, the result of doing or starting important things on the day of the Three Killings of the Month usually lasts only until the end of the month. Therefore, if it is impossible to avoid such a day, it can be used to start something more long-term, engage in long-term projects or activities and develop long-term relationships. But even in this case, it is best to start a business at a favorable hour, which can be calculated in our Feng Shui Fortune Calendar. When you enable your Personal Feng Shui Fortune Calendar, you will add more harmony and your personal luck to your day.

For example, it is believed that it is fine to schedule a wedding ceremony, on the days of the Three Month Sha, since marriages are usually concluded for a long time. Of course, this is only acceptable if you can’t find a suitable and perfect day and “can’t wait to get married.” Still, if possible, it is better not to have a wedding on such a day.

Install the "Feng Shui Fortune Calendar" app and choose auspicious days for any task right from your smartphone.

However, avoid starting anything short-term during these days (celebrations, trips, vacations, etc.) Don’t use the Month Calamity Sha days to start studying, preparations for exams or taking exams. Those of you who are planning to go on a diet should especially avoid the Month Calamity Sha days for a very clear reason: the diet will undermine your health or simply lead to nothing.

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