Separating Days


In the Chinese solar calendar, there are days on which Qi stagnates and dies. They are called the Four Separating Days (四離日 Si li ri). The Four Separating Days are the four days of the year when yin and yang Qi flow in and out as the seasons change. On such days, the flow of energy is depleted, Qi is considered obsolete and useless, and there is no vitality in it. It can be said that the Four Separating Days in themselves are not bad or favorable, but they do not provide support, so it is better to choose other dates for positive actions.

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Each of the Separating Days marks the end of one of the quarters of the astronomical year. This is the point when the qi energy of the completed quarter is completely depleted and dies.

Finding the Separating Days is very easy. These days are the days leading up to:

  • Spring equinox 春分 (qiu-fen), around March 20
  • Summer solstice 夏至 (xia-zhi), around June 21
  • Autumnal equinox 秋分 (qiu-fen), approximately September 22
  • Winter solstice 冬至 (dong zhi), around December 21

t is better to check the dates of equinoxes and solstices for a particular year in our  Feng Shui Fortune Calendar, because sometimes shifts by a day in one direction or another are possible.

On such days, Nature does not support us; energy remains “at the bottom.”  Using days of depleted qi and relying on weak energy means filling the event with weak energy at best, and at worst not filling it at all. To start something on the Separating Day means to abandon an important business or undertaking to the mercy of fate, risking failure. You should not do or start any important business on the Separating Days. Lack of support due to weak qi does not contribute to their success.

Enable your Personal Feng Shui Fortune Calendar and receive personalized information about the auspiciousness of days and hours based on your own Bazi horoscope.

Some people, however, use these dates to complete some business, to break up, to part with something. They believe that on such days it is possible to get a divorce, break off a boring relationship or get rid of persecution, that is, to get rid of, separate from something or someone boring. But also many experts believe that it is too risky because the energy is too weak these days. In any case, if you decide to break off any relationship on the Separating Day, you need to be careful not to make mistakes.