The Loveless Punishment


The Loveless Punishment or Uncivilized Punishment (無禮之刑 Wu Li Zhixing) appears when two animals, the Rat 子 and the Rabbit 卯, come together in any order. This could be the year of the Rat 子, the day of the Rabbit 卯, the month of the Rabbit 卯, the day of the Rat 子, or vice versa. The Uncivilized Punishment has a stronger effect when the Rat 子 and the Rabbit 卯 are next to each other, that is, in the current day and month, and not in the year.

It may also turn out that you were born in the year, month, day, hour of the Rabbit or Rat and, when the day of the second animal came, this complemented or strengthened the Loveless Punishment. In order to determine the animals of the month, day and hour of birth, you should build your Bazi chart. When enabling your Personal Calendar, our site will automatically calculate the days of the Loveless Punishment and give you personal recommendations for actions on this day.

Uncivilized Punishment can be described as follows: a weak tree (Rabbit) stands in water (Rat), because of which the tree rots rather than grows, because excess water does not nourish it, but destroys it. It turns out that this is an action against the will of a person, similar to violence against him, that is, it is manifested by a lack of respect for other people. Therefore, the day of Punishment of dislike brings conflicts, disrespectful attitude to each other in a couple, infidelity. On days with this Punishment, people can behave especially unbridled.

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This Punishment relates primarily to personal relationships, since the Rat and Rabbit included in the Loveless Punishment are animals that belong to the type: "Peach Blossom". In Chinese symbolism, such a flower means attractiveness, charisma and sexuality, otherwise it is called the Flower of Romance. This flower enhances the magic of charm, so people on the days of Loveless Punishment want to admire and communicate with each other.

If both animals are in a person's Bazi chart, for example, he was born in the year of the Rat and the month of the Rabbit, such a person usually looks very attractive, especially to people of the opposite sex. But this can also have a negative side, which is reflected in the form of infidelity, scandals, disrespectful and offensive behavior. Moreover, everything can manifest itself in a rude, "uncivilized" form.

Uncivilized punishment usually entails the desire to oppose something that should not be opposed, the desire to move "against the grain". Disrespect for others and uncivilized behavior can come from the person himself, as well as towards him, as a reaction to his unrestrained temperament. Thus, the cause of an unpleasant event is the behavior of the person himself.

In moderate cases, Uncivilized punishment leads to a situation: "biting the hand that feeds you." A person with Uncivilized punishment in his Bazi chart shows unfriendliness or goes against something to which he should be loyal or grateful. In serious cases, this kind of punishment can lead to sexual problems. It brings uncontrolled sexual behavior, unhealthy desires, lust, relationships for the sake of sex, even causes the danger of rape.

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The Loveless Punishment affects not only the personal sphere, but also relationships in general. Between family members, relatives, including relationships between people of different generations. In ancient times, the Chinese considered the Loveless Punishment one of the most undesirable in the Bazi chart, since it was believed that it causes disrespect for elders, spoiled relationships with loved ones. Since there is a certain cult of ancestors in China, such behavior was considered unacceptable.

Therefore, on the days of the Loveless Punishment, it is not recommended to perform important actions related to relationships. It is advisable to avoid situations on such days when conflicts with relatives, spouses, loved ones are likely. It is worth avoiding sorting out relationships, so as not to quarrel emotionally in a rude, uncivilized form. On the days of the Loveless Punishment, it is better to keep your emotions under control and not lose your composure. After all, you will have to deal with the consequences for a long time.

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