The Ungrateful Punishment Day


The Ungrateful Punishment or Fire Punishment (無恩之刑 Wu En Zhixing) occurs when three animals come together: Monkey 申, Snake 巳 and Tiger 寅. Despite the fact that in the Bazi the Monkey 申 and the Snake 巳 merge, in alliance with the Tiger 寅, such a combination is no longer considered. Priority is given to Punishments because it is a more serious thing. Moreover, it can be noted that within the Ungrateful Punishment there is also a Clash of the Monkey 申 and the Tiger 寅.

The Ungrateful Punishment occurs when three animals: Monkey 申, Snake 巳 and Tiger 寅 come together in any order. This may be the year of the Tiger 寅, the month of the Monkey 申 and the day of the Snake 巳 or vice versa, the year of the Monkey 申, the month of the Snake 巳 and the day of the Tiger 寅. Even two Earthly branches, for example, the month of the Monkey 申 and the day of the Snake 巳, or the month of the Snake 巳 and the day of the Tiger 寅 carry such Punishment. After all, it may turn out that you were born in the year, month, day or hour of any of these animals and it complemented or strengthened the Punishment of ingratitude of the day. In order to determine the animals of the month, day and hour of birth, you should build  your Bazi chart. When you enable your Personal Calendar, our website will automatically calculate the days of the Punishment of Ingratitude and give you personal recommendations for actions for that day. Usually, the Ungrateful Punishment  means illness or danger. Loss of money, power, and the occurrence of obstacles are also possible.

Install the "Feng Shui Fortune Calendar" app and choose auspicious days for any task right from your smartphone.

Since all three animals included in the Fire Punishment belong to the “Traveling Horses,” the Ungrateful Punishment Day  foreshadows, first of all, the danger of accidents in transport while driving. You should avoid traveling and moving to a new home. In the case of starting a business project or concluding an agreement, hiring employees, people may behave dishonestly and ungratefully, even betray. Often the result of implemented Fiery punishment is road accidents and other mischances. After all, a person is in a state of increased emotional excitability and activity. This prevents them from being objective, realistically assessing situations, and making informed decisions. One should be especially careful when they go on the road or are driving on such a day. Do not be distracted by conversations, cell phone calls, SMS and chats.

Enable your Personal Feng Shui Fortune Calendar  and receive personalized information about the auspiciousness of days and hours based on your own Bazi horoscope. 

On the Ungrateful Punishment days, the one should also be more attentive and careful towards each other among friends and in the family circle. People can behave ungratefully towards loved ones. Therefore, it is important to remain calm. On such days, it is important not to rush into making decisions, since one could make a mess. It is better to wait and start action on another, good day. It is also useful to control one’s emotions, control oneself, so as not to later regret actions and decisions that will be difficult to correct.

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