Days of Self Penalty


Self Penalty (自刑 Zi Xing) occurs when certain animals that do not like their own kind meet, these are: Dragon 辰 and Dragon 辰, Rooster 酉 and Rooster 酉, Horse 午 and Horse 午, Pig 亥 and Pig 亥. This can be the year of Horse 午 and the day of Horse 午, the month of Pig 亥 and the day of Pig 亥, or the month of Dragon 辰 and the day of Dragon 辰. Self Penalty has a stronger effect when two similar animals stand next to each other, that is, in the current day and month, and not in the year.

It may also turn out that you were born in the year, month, day or hour of Rooster 酉 and when the day of another Rooster 酉 came, this complemented or strengthened Self Penalty. In order to determine the animals of the month, day and hour of birth, you should build yourу Bazi chart. When enabling the Personal Calendar, our site will automatically calculate the days of Self Penalty and give you personal recommendations for actions on this day.

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What problems can the Self Penalty day bring? As the name suggests, Self Penalty includes things that a person knows that doing them is wrong or stupid, but he still does them. This can have internal reasons: doubts, complexes, and bad habits. Common examples of Self Penalty are smoking or alcohol abuse. Despite the fact that smoking carries the risk of developing many diseases, this does not stop some people. Alcohol abuse, when a person knows that he cannot control himself under its influence, can be very destructive and stupid. 

Self Penalty can also affect relationships: as a rule, it is the reason, why a woman or a man pursues someone they definitely cannot have, perhaps because this person is married or in a relationship with another. In essence, a person does something for themselves that they know in advance that they will not receive any benefit or positive result. That is, under the influence of Self Penalty, a person tends to create problems for themselves, often out of thin air. They can make annoying mistakes and blunders, which can spoil relationships with others and cause other problems. It turns out that a person has “punished themselves” with their erroneous actions.

Different types of Self Penalty can affect in different ways:

Self Penalty Pig + Pig

Pig belongs to the element Water. It is also a “Traveling Horse”, so Self Penalty of two Pigs can bring obstacles and problems primarily on trips. Such Self Penalty can mean bad habits due to the desire for excessive mobility, inability to sit still.

Self Penalty Dragon + Dragon

Dragon belongs to the Earth element. Dragons are animals that are called "Repositories" in Bazi. Self Penalty of two Dragons can bring depression, sadness, endless introspection, when a person drives himself into sad thoughts.

Self Penalty Rooster + Rooster

Rooster belongs to the Metal element. Rooster is one of the "Peach Blossoms". The character of the Rooster is brightness, boastfulness, narcissism. Therefore, the problems of Self Penalty of Roosters can be expressed in a tendency to show off, problems appear due to excessive bragging. The hieroglyph 酉 looks like a bottle, one of its meanings is: "a vessel for making wine" and the wine itself. Therefore, Self Penalty of Roosters can also be expressed in alcohol abuse.

Self Penalty Horse + Horse

The Horse belongs to the Fire element. The Horse is an active, fast, bright animal. Such Self Penalty can bring explosive emotions, unrestrained, thoughtless behavior, uncontrollable passion.

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Thus, Self Penalty is unfavorable primarily for the person himself. When the day of Self Penalty comes, it can also mean "running in circles", a lot of fuss, but without achieving what you want. Such a day foretells the likelihood of erroneous actions, spoiled relationships with people, and through your own fault. Often it manifests itself as painful conceit. But Self Penalty also causes problems for people around you, which are contained in your Bazi chart. For example, if you were born on the day of the Dragon (the day of birth is responsible for the relationship in a couple), and another day of the Dragon has come, then Self Penalty affects the "House of Marriage" and brings difficulties to the spouse.