The Days of Time Wasting


The Days of Time Wasting or Four Wastes (四廢 Si-fei), are several days, that Master Tong defined as days of wasted effort and time. In addition to the “Days of Time Wasting” there are also “Days of True Time Wasting” (正四廢 Zhen si fei), these are similar, but different days. Master Dong's Classics (董公擇日 Dong gong jie zhi) describes how to find both sets of days. The Days of Time Wasting are four days, in each of the four seasons of the year according to the Chinese calendar, there is one such day.

Install the "Feng Shui Fortune Calendar" app and choose auspicious days for any task right from your smartphone.

If possible, then, of course, you should not choose such days to do important things.

The Days of Time Wasting or Four Wastes (四廢 Si-fei

  • Day 庚申 (Geng Shen) in spring, during the months of the Tiger, Rabbit and Dragon (寅卯辰)
  • Day 壬子 (Ren Tzu) in summer, in the months of the Snake, Horse and Goat (巳午未)
  • Day 甲寅 (Jia Yin) in autumn, in the months of the Monkey, Rooster and Dog (申酉戌)
  • Day 丙午 (Bing-Wu) in winter, in the months of the Pig, Rat and Ox (亥子丑)

Of course, to find these days yourself, you need to know the Chinese calendar well. You need to know how to determine such a day. In addition, the Chinese seasons are not the same as the Gregorian seasons that we are used to. For example, spring according to the Chinese solar calendar usually lasts from February 4 to May 5, and summer, respectively, from May 5 or 6 to August 7-8. But you can always find these days in our "Feng Shui Fortune Calendar" app .

Personal Feng Shui Fortune Calendar and receive personalized information about the auspiciousness of days and hours based on your own Bazi horoscope.

The Days of Time Wasting are days on which, despite a lot of effort, nothing happens, nd you do not achieve the desired result. Here we cannot talk about the long-term effect of the influence of such days, which arises from the beginning of actions on other unfavorable days. Rather, we are talking about the difficulty of achieving a result on a given specific day. Therefore, you should not take actions from which you want to get results today. If we are talking about shopping, on such a day you can find yourself in a long line, the store may be closed, the manager may forget about you. There may be a technical error during the purchase, due to which you will lose time. Negotiations scheduled for this day will not take place, will be delayed or will be unsuccessful. If we are talking about a surgical operation, on such a day it may not take place for one reason or another or may be delayed.

No matter what efforts you make, on this day all actions will be completely in vain, just a waste of time.

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