The Star of Heavenly Happiness
The Star of Heavenly Happiness or Heavenly Joy (天喜星 Tian Xi Xing) is one of the positive stars used in both Bazi and the date selection system. Days with the Star of Heavenly Happiness are suitable for any events related to love, relationships between people and family.
This star always coincides with the Officer for "Success". o calculate the symbolic Star of Heavenly Happiness on your own, you need to know the Earthly Branches (the so-called "animals of the Chinese zodiac") of the month and day. Many are familiar with the animals of the year, but in the Chinese calendar, the same signs indicate both months and days. You can always find a day with the Star of Heavenly Happiness in our Fortune Calendar. When you connect the Personal Calendar, you can also calculate individual stars that influence your personal luck on this day.
Enable your Personal Feng Shui Fortune Calendar and receive personalized information about the auspiciousness of days and hours based on your own Bazi horoscope.
The table below shows how to find this star. For example, for the month of the Tiger (roughly corresponds to February) - the Star of Heavenly Happiness is the day of the Dog, in the month of the Snake (roughly May of each year) the Heavenly Happiness Star will be all the days of the Ox.
Animal of the current month
Animal of the day – the Star of Heavenly Happiness
Tiger 寅 |
Dog 戌 |
Rabbit 卯 |
Pig 亥 |
Dragon 辰 |
Rat 子 |
Snake 巳 |
Ox 丑 |
Лошадь 午Horse |
Tiger 寅 |
Goat 未 |
Rabbit 卯 |
Monkey 申 |
Dragon 辰 |
Rooster 酉 |
Snake 巳 |
Dog 戌 |
Horse 午 |
Pig 亥 |
Goat 未 |
Rat 子 |
Monkey 申 |
Ox 丑 |
Rooster 酉 |
The day of the Star of Heavenly Happiness is very suitable for weddings, it is favorable for love affairs and romantic meetings, family events and special occasions, it can also be used to conceive a child. The beneficial energy of this star smooths out the negative influences of bad stars.
Install the "Feng Shui Fortune Calendar" app and choose auspicious days for any task right from your smartphone.
The presence of the Star of Heavenly Happiness in the Bazi chart means that a person loves life and knows how to enjoy every moment. This star also speaks of a person's attractiveness and beauty.