The Clash of Heavenly Pillars


The Clash of Heavenly Pillars (冲天干 Chung Tian Gang) of the day and month brings increased aggressiveness and conflict.


To calculate the days of the Clash of Heavenly Pillars, you need to know the Chinese calendar, which shows the Heavenly Pillars and Earthly Branches of months and days. You can also always find these days in our Fortune Calendar. The Clash of Heavenly Pillars, unlike the Clash of Earthly Branches, happen externally so they do not bring accidents and injuries, but rather outward displays of conflict.


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Clashes occur between the following Heavenly Pillars:

Yin Fire 丁 - Yin Water 癸

Yang Fire 丙 - Yang Water 壬

Yin Wood  乙 - Yin Metal  辛

Yang Wood 甲 - Yang Metal 庚

In the table below you can see how to find the days with the Clash of Heavenly Pillars. For example, in months with the Yin Fire  Heavenly Pillar there comes a Clash with the Heavenly Pillar of Yin Water Day. In months with the Yang Wood Heavenly Pillar there is a Clash with the Heavenly Pillar of Yang Metal Day.

Heavenly Pillar of the month

Heavenly Pillar of the day

Yin Fire 丁

Yin Water 癸

Yin Water 癸

Yin Fire 丁

Yang Fire 丙

Yang Wate 壬

Yang Water 壬

Yang Fire 丙

Yin Wood 乙

Yin Metal 辛

Yin Metal 辛

Yin Wood 乙

Yang Wood 甲

Yang Metal 庚

Yang Metal 庚

Yang Wood 甲


Install the "Feng Shui Fortune Calendar" app and choose auspicious days for any task right from your smartphone.

As it is a day of the Clash of Heavenly Pillars, it is more conflictual, leading to quarrels, arguments, scandals, and clashes of people. On such days, it is unfavourable to arrange weddings, hold festivals, celebrations and start important activities. You should not settle personal affairs, conduct negotiations, sign contracts and agreements. Businesses started on this day may encounter obstacles in the future.

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