Calamity Sha


Calamity Sha (Zai-sha 劫煞) is one of the types of “Three Sha” or “Three Killings”. The calculation of the Three Sha is done on the basis of the interaction of the Earthly branches (animals) of the year and day. For example, in the year of the Monkey (Shen), the Three Killings will be the days of the Snake (Sy), Horse (Wu) and Goat (Wei). But these are not the same negative energies, but three types of different sha: the Robbery Sha (Jie-sha 劫煞), the Calamity Sha (Zai-sha 災煞) and the Year Sha (Sui-sha 歲煞).

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Here we will talk about the Calamity Sha. It is not difficult to determine the Calamity Sha; for this you can use the table below. For example, in any year of the Rabbit Sha, misfortunes are the days of the Rooster, in the year of the Dragon - the days of the Horse, and so on.


Calamity Sha 災煞

Rat 子

Horse 午

Ox 丑

Rabbit 卯

Tiger 寅

Rat 子

Rabbit 卯

Rooster 酉

Dragon 辰

Horse 午

Snake 巳

Rabbit 卯

Horse 午

Rat 子

Goat 未

Rooster 酉

Monkey 申

Horse 午

Rooster 酉

Rabbit 卯

Dog 戌

Rat 子

Pig 亥

Rooster 酉


The Calamity Sha is always one of the four Earthly branches/animals: Horse, Rabbit,Rooster or Rat. In Bazi, the signs of the Calamity Sha days belong to the group of “four cardinals”, these are the “Peach Blossoms” familiar to many students of Chinese metaphysics, which in Bazi mean the possibility of a romantic relationship, and in Feng Shui are used to activate marriage luck. Therefore, misfortunes in the Calamity Sha days often arise due to the relationship between a man and a woman.

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The Calamity Sha Days are usually fraught with bodily injury and illness. Possible problems are related to relationships, and health damage is caused by a person of the opposite sex due to sexual scandals and passions. The day implies sexually transmitted diseases, infidelity, bodily harm, rape.

A day with a Calamity Sha is also a bad day for medical procedures, especially if they are performed by a person of the opposite sex. Therefore, do not schedule a visit to the doctor, medical examinations or therapeutic measures on such a day.

In general, try to avoid Three Killings days to start important things! If this is completely impossible to avoid, then, as a last resort, on the day of Three Sha you can begin long-term projects, such as a wedding or moving to a new home. This assumption is possible since the day of the Three Killings only brings problems during the current year, and marriage or moving usually takes place for a long time. Also, if there is no choice at all, you can use the days of Three Sha, provided that your actions are invulnerable to the specific type of Sha that affects the day. But even in this case, on an unfavorable day, you should choose a favorable hour. The easiest way is to calculate a favorable hour for any day in our "Feng Shui Fortune Calendar" app. When you connect the Personal Feng Shui Fortune Calendar, you will add more harmony and your personal luck to the day and hour.