The Damage of the Day Branch


A day with the Damage of the Day Branch (害 Hai) brings betrayal, deception and treachery. In Bazi, such interaction of branches is also called Harm. You should not use these days for actions related to partnership. Weddings, romantic dates, discussions of important personal and business issues will not be successful. You should also not get a job, hold corporate parties and large celebrations. Damage in the day is unpleasant, we do not choose such a day for especially important events, but if there are good stars in the day and you have chosen a good hour, then you can use it when there is no other choice.

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To independently calculate the Damage of the Day Branch, you need to know the Chinese Calendar. In it, the signs of the twelve Earthly branches (the so-called "animals of the Chinese zodiac") indicate not only years, but also months and days. You should find the Earthly branches of the current month and day and compare them with the table below. If you find it difficult to figure this out, you can always see the days of Harm in our Fortune Calendar. Just open it every day to understand what will bring you luck and what is not recommended to do today!

There are six variants of Harm relationships in Bazi

Rat 子 - Goat 未

Ox 丑 - Horse 午

Tiger 寅 - Snake 巳

Rabbit 卯 - Dragon 辰

Rooster 酉 - Dog 戌

Pig 亥 - Monkey 申

How did the Damage relationships appear? To do this, you need to know the Unions and Clashes of the Earthly branches.. After all, the basis for the Damage is the interference to the Union of two branches due to the appearance of a third one. For example, the Dog should unite with the Rabbit. But the Rooster clashes with the Rabbit, which prevents it from connecting with the Dog. Thus, the Rooster harms the Dog. If we transfer this to relationships between people, then the Dog and the Rabbit can be a "couple striving to get married", while the Rooster can be a "harmful mother-in-law" who plots all sorts of intrigues to prevent the wedding from taking place.

The table lists all the variants of Damage of the day in a month. For example, the day of the Dog in the month of the Rooster or the day of the Rooster in the month of the Dog, etc.

Animal of the month

Animal of the day

Rat 子

Goat 未

Ox 丑

Horse 午

Tiger 寅

Snake 巳

Rabbit 卯

Dragon 辰

Dragon 辰

Rabbit 卯

Snake 巳

Tiger 寅

Horse 午

Ox 丑

Goat 未

Rat 子

Rooster 酉

Dog 戌

Monkey 申

Pig 亥

Dog 戌

Rooster 酉

Pig 亥

Monkey 申


From the very name of the “Damage of the Day Branch” it is clear that this type of relationship between the Earthly branches denotes situations, scenarios or the results of actions which are negative for a person. Harm creates a feeling of betrayal in a person. Usually this is a feeling of not being rewarded as he deserved, deceived, put in an unpleasant situation, left in a painful or difficult, and sometimes dangerous situation, and all this is due to the actions of other people.

Install the "Feng Shui Fortune Calendar" app and choose auspicious days for any task right from your smartphone.

The Damage of the Day Branch can be even more unpleasant than a Clash, since it affects the emotional sphere more strongly, and is psychologically more painful. Damage can manifest itself in the fact that someone close to you, whom you trust, suddenly begins to behave in a way that you did not expect from him, which hurts you.

Damage can influence not only love and friendship. It can manifest itself as the appropriation of jointly developed ideas or inventions, projects, thoughts, texts and other intellectual developments. 

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