Robbery Sha


Robbery Sha  (Jie-sha 劫煞) is one of the types of “Three Sha” or “Three Killings”. The calculation of the Three Sha is done on the basis of the interaction of the Earthly branches (animals) of the year and day. For example, in the year of the Ox (Chou), the Three Killings will be the days of the Tiger (Yin), Rabbit (Mao) and Dragon (Chen). But these are not the same negative energies, but three types of different sha: the Robbery Sha  (Jie-sha 劫煞), he Calamity Sha (Zai-sha 災煞) and the Year Sha (Sui-sha 歲煞.

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Here we will talk about the Robbery Sha. Determining the Robbery Sha is not difficult; for this you can use the table below. For example, in any year of the Tiger these are the days of the Pig, in the year of the Rabbit these are the days of the Monkey and so on.


Robbery Sha 劫煞

Rat 子

Snake 巳

Ox 丑

Tiger 寅

Tiger 寅

Pig 亥

Rabbit 卯

Monkey 申

Dragon 辰

Snake 巳

Snake 巳

Tiger 寅

Horse 午

Pig 亥

Goat 未

Monkey 申

Monkey 申

Snake 巳

Петух 酉

Tiger 寅

Dog 戌

Pig 亥

Pig 亥

Monkey 申


As the name itself indicates, the Robbery Sha Days are the days when there is a high probability of being robbed, mugged, having misplaced or or losing money, valuables, and important personal belongings.

As can be seen in the table, the Earthly branches (“animals of the Chinese zodiac”) of the Robbery Sha Days are always one of four animals: Tiger, Snake, Monkey or Pig. In Bazi, these four signs refer to the “growing” ones, which begin the development cycle of each of the elements. They are also called "Riding Horses", so they are associated with travel, movement, and mobility in general. Consequently, the days of the Three Killings, marked by these animals, threaten problems primarily during travel. This could be an attack by bandits or the loss of things and documents while moving. Try not to carry cash to the bank or start your travels during Robbery Sha Days.

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The Robbery Sha does not mean any other negative things other than the possibility of loss, you just need to be more attentive to your things. Although, since almost all of our activities are related to material values, try, if possible, not to do or start anything important both on the Robbery Sha Days and on the days of the other Three Killings. If there is no choice, you can use the days of the Three Killings, provided that your actions are invulnerable to the specific type of sha that affects the day.

Sometimes you can also ignore the threat of the Three Shas when starting very long-term affairs,  or example, when getting married or moving to a new home. This is due to the fact that the Three Sha Days, determined by the Earthly branch of the year, create problems that are effective only during this year. But even in this case, it is useful to choose a favorable hour and use other Jie Zhi Xue methods. The easiest way is to calculate the favorable hour on this day in our  Feng Shui Fortune Calendar. When you enable the Personal Feng Shui Fortune Calendar, you will add more harmony and your personal luck to the day and hour.