Penalties and Punishments of Bazi when choosing dates


In Bazi and in the Chinese date selection system there is such a thing as “Penalties” or “Punishments”. They appear when a certain combination of Earthly branches arises, better known as the “animals of the Chinese horoscope”. Many people know that the names of animals refer to years, but in the Chinese calendar the same animals (Earthly branches) designate months, days, and even hours. When one of the animals appears in the month and the other in the day, one or another Punishment or Penalty occurs. It may happen that one of the animals came in a year, another in a day, or a certain year, day and month came together.

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There are four types of Punishments or Penalties, some consisting of two animals, others of three. There are: Ungrateful Penalty (Fire), The Earth Punishment, Loveless Penalty and Self Penalty..

Ungrateful Penalty:

Tiger 寅 - Monkey 申 - Snake 巳

Earth Punishment

Ox 丑 - Dog 戌  - Goat 未

Loveless Penalty

Rat 子 - Rabbit 卯

Self Penalty:

Dragon 辰 - Dragon 辰

Rooster 酉 - Rooster 酉

Horse 午 - Horse 午

Pig 亥 - Pig 亥

 Any of these animals can come at any time, in the current year, month, day, even in the hour. When such a pair or three come together, they cause one or another Penalty. For example, Self Penalty occurs when the day of the Pig comes in the year or month of the Pig. Also, all Horse days in the Horse month are days of Self Penalty. Or, in the year of the Monkey the month of the Tiger comes and the day of the Snake, and vice versa, in the year of the Snake comes the month of the Tiger and the day of the Monkey. Then we meet the Ungrateful Penalty. If in the year of the Goat the day of the Ox comes in the month of the Dog, or the day of the Goat comes in the year of the Dog in the month of the Ox, then we get The Earth punishment .

Punishments and Penalties bring problems similar to those caused by Earthly Branch Clashes, but they involve a more hidden type of danger. If Clashes are a clear, open threat, then Punishments and Penalties are something you don't immediately notice. Penalties mean hidden illnesses, intrigues, gossip, betrayals that happen behind one’s back, as well as problems that a person creates for himself. Sometimes Punishments can be even more dangerous than Encounters because by the time you do notice the problem, it may be too late to fix it.

Also, one or even two animals may appear in your Bazi chart : that is, in the year, month, day or hour of your birth, and another may appear on the current day. But such a Penalty is “personal”, that is, it will apply only to the person who has these Earthly branches in the Bazi chart. To calculate personal Penalties in our  Feng Shui Fortune Calendar, you should enable your  Personal Feng Shui Fortune Calendar.

What problems can Penalties bring to Bazi? It depends on where they appear in the map. For example, if you were born on the day of one of the animals that affects a Penalty, then it concerns the “House of Marriage .” This can mean problems and scandals in marriage and even divorce, because problems will arise between you and your wife. If the Penalty affects the month pillar, this indicates problems with your mother, if the hour pillar affects your children. If the Penalty affected the year of your birth, it concerns you personally. For example, you were born in the year of the Rabbit and the day of the Rat has come, which means that on this day you will face the Loveless Penalty.

Install the "Feng Shui Fortune Calendar" app and choose auspicious days for any task right from your smartphone.

If you do not connect your Personal Calendar, then our Feng Shui Fortune Calendar displays general data and general Punishments and Penalties that come on certain days to everyone living on this Earth. If the Loveless Penalty or Self Penalty are in pillars that are not nearby, that is, for example, in the year and day (year of the Pig and day of the Pig), their influence on us is weak. But punishments involving three animals apply even if they are not in adjacent pillars, such as year, day and hour.

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