The Prosperity Star


The Star of Prosperity or Reward of 10 Heavenly Pillars (十干祿 Shi Gan Lu) is a lucky star that brings financial prosperity and economic success.

How to calculate the Prosperity Star? If you have not studied the Chinese Calendar, doing this on your own is not that easy. You need to know the Heavenly Pillar of the current year and the Earthly Branch, that is, the animal of the day. Since this star is calculated by the year, it is also called the Annual Prosperity Star. Many are familiar only with the "animals of the Chinese zodiac", that is, the Earthly branches of the years. The Heavenly Pillar of the year is reflected in the color or element of the animal of the year. For example, when we say that 2020 is the year of the "Metal Rat" or "White Rat", the Metal element and its white color just indicate the Heavenly Pillar of the year, Metal Yang in the case of 2020. It is more difficult to determine the Earthly Branch (animal) of the day. But you can always find it in our Fortune Calendar, as well as the Prosperity Star calculated for you at any time and other stars that affect your luck.

Install the "Feng Shui Fortune Calendar" app and choose auspicious days for any task right from your smartphone.

The table below shows the calculation of the days of Prosperity Star of the year. For example, in 2020 (Metal Yang Heavenly Pillar), these will be all the days of the Monkey.

Heavenly Pillar of the Year

Prosperity Star

Earthly Branch of the Day

Yang Wood 甲

Tiger 寅

Ying Wood 乙

Rabbit 卯

Yang Fire 丙

Snake 巳

Ying Fire丁

Horse 午

Yang Earth 戊

Snake 巳

Ying Earth 己

Horse 午

Yang Metall 庚

Monkey 申

Ying Metall 辛

Rooster 酉

Yand Water 壬

Pig 亥

Ying Water 癸

Rat 子


In the Chinese date selection system, a day with the Star of Prosperity is favorable for any financial matters, such as buying and selling property or goods, finalising a deal, it is good for putting advertisements and sales announcements, for taking the new office, starting a new business, making investments, opening a business and much more.

Enable your Personal Feng Shui Fortune Calendar and receive personalized information about the auspiciousness of days and hours based on your own Bazi horoscope.

In Bazi, the Prosperity Star means, first of all, financial success.This star in the Bazi chart brings a person a reward for work and well-deserved fees. The presence of this star means that the person receives a reward for their hard work. Therefore, it is one of the most desirable stars both in the day and in the Bazi chart. The Prosperity Star also means the desire for economic success and good health. In a psychological sense, this star in the Bazi chart means the readiness to provide for yourself and others, the ability to make long-term plans. Compose your Bazi chart using our calculator and see if you have this star! It can also come in a certain period, year, month or day.