No Wealth days


On the so-called No Wealth days (無祿日 Wu-lu-zhi), which are also called the Big Disaster Days or Ten Ferocious Days (十惡大敗日 Shi-e-da-bai-zhi) you should not make responsible financial decisions or take important actions related to money or wealth, such as investing money or investing it for growth.

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The phrase “ the Ten days” is misunderstood to mean that there are only 10 bad days for investing in a year. In fact, every year there are from 6 to, at most, 13 “the Big Disaster days” Here you can look at it in such a way that the number 10 simply enhances the negative qualities of this day. This applies more to Chinese culture, because the Chinese often use the phrase “ten ferocious disasters” to describe something bad or dangerous! On the other hand, out of the 60 Jiazi, that is, variants of days designated in the Chinese calendar, there are only ten, which in certain years are “No Wealth” days.

These are the ten days:

  • 甲辰 Jia Chen                      
  • 乙巳 Yi Si
  • 丙申 Bing-Shen 
  • 丁亥 Ding Hai,               
  • 庚辰 Geng Chen,                  
  • 戊戌 Wu Xu,
  • 辛巳 Xin Si,
  • 己丑 Ji Choy,
  • 壬申 Ren Shen,
  • 癸亥 Gui Hai.

However, not all of these days are “No Wealth Days” every year. Typically, during each decade, one or two of the above days are No Wealth Days.

How did these days appear? According to the "Treatise on Harmonizing Times and Distinguishing Directions" (協紀辨方書, Xie Ji Bian Fang Shu), in the 60 Jia Tzu cycle there are ten days in which the Lu Qi (Prosperity Qi) enters the branch of Death and Emptiness. These days, the flow of Prosperity Qi (in our days - this can be called wealth) becomes empty, that is, it dries up. Calculating these days is a rather difficult task for ordinary users. You need to know not only the Chinese calendar, but also quite a lot of the theory of Bazi and Tze Zhi. Briefly, as stated above, they are calculated based on the Death and Emptiness tables of the sixty Jia Tzu. To determine the ten Moneyless Days, you need to know the Prosperity qi phase of each Heavenly Pillar and calculate the Earthly Branch in which the Prosperity qi of a given Heavenly Pillar is empty. Since the calculations are quite complex, I have calculated these days for you over the next few decades.

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In the coming years, until the end of 2023, No Wealth Days are all the days of 丙申 Bing-Shen and 戊戌 Wu-Xu. In the next decade, from 2024 to 2033, it will be all the days of 甲辰 Jia-Chen and 乙巳 Yi-Si, in the decade from 2034 to 2043, it will be all the days of 癸亥 Gui-Hai. But of course, if you are not familiar with these designations, you will have a hard time finding these days on your calendar. But you can always find No Wealth Days by scrolling through our  "Feng Shui Fortune Calendar" app..

The name of the days speaks for itself - lack of money, poverty and disaster. Obviously, this is not a favorable day for doing serious business, including opening a new business, signing important contracts, negotiations, investing money, investments and other activities related to finance. These days are considered unfavorable for any events related to commerce or enrichment. Therefore, do not sign contracts, enter into commercial transactions, travel on business, or make official presentations during these days. Do not enter into any financial agreements, start any important commercial activities or begin business expansion during these dates.
Moneyless days in Bazi are not suitable for financial transactions.