The Nonreturn Day


The Nonreturn Days (日無 Zhi Wu) in the date selection system are unfavorable days for financial transactions. It is especially not recommended to deposit or transfer funds to anyone on such days. Do not lend money on the Nonreturn Days, refrain from any financial transactions where you transfer or invest funds, since it may be much more difficult to return them than you expected.

To calculate the Nonreturn Days on your own, you need to know the Chinese Calendar. In it, the signs of the twelve Earthly branches (the so-called "animals of the Chinese zodiac") designate not only years, but also months and days. You should find the Earthly branches of the current month and day and compare them with the table below. If you have difficulty understanding this, you can always see the Nonreturn Days in our Fortune Calendar. Just open it every day to understand what will bring you luck and what is not recommended to do today!

Install the "Feng Shui Fortune Calendar" app and choose auspicious days for any task right from your smartphone.

If you are familiar with the Chinese calendar, you will have no trouble following the table below to find the Nonreturn Days. For example, in the month of the Rabbit (roughly corresponds to March) – the Nonreturn Days are all the days of the Snake, in the month of the Horse (roughly June of each year) the Nonreturn Days are all the days of the Rabbit, and so on…

Current Month Animal

Day Animal – the Nonreturn Day

Tiger 寅

Tiger 寅

Rabbit 卯

Snake 巳

Dragon 辰

Monkey 申

Snake 巳

Pig 亥

Horse 午

Rabbit 卯

Goat 未

Horse 午

Monkey 申

Rooster 酉

Rooster 酉

Rat 子

Dog 戌

Dragon 辰

Pig 亥

Goat 未

Rat 子

Dog 戌

Ox 丑

Ox 丑


On the Nonreturn Days, it is unfavorable to put money in a bank, invest in a new business, invest in shares or other financial instruments. After all, when we give or invest money, we expect that they will return, possibly with a profit. However, the Nonreturn Day does not contribute to this. That is, on such days it is unfavorable to deposit or transfer funds to someone, however, you can receive them, for example, you can withdraw money from a deposit, from a bank, a business, or receive from others.

Enable your Personal Feng Shui Fortune Calendar and receive personalized information about the auspiciousness of days and hours based on your own Bazi horoscope.

It is best to transfer money matters to another, favorable day, which you can calculate in our calculator. When connecting the Personal Calendar, you can also see personal stars that influence your personal luck on this day.

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