The Clash Day


The Clash Day (破 Po). The Clash means that the energies of the month and the day clash. Therefore, the day is generally considered unfavorable. However, The Clash also means a break from the past, so the day brings interruption, destruction, and exhaustion, which applies to both good and bad. Another name for the day is the Destruction. Therefore, experts choose the Clash day to destroy something.

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How is the Clash day calculated in the Chinese calendar? This is a day whose Earthly branch (animal from the cycle of 12 animals of the Chinese calendar) is six steps ahead of the Earthly branch of the month, for example, in the month of the Rabbit 卯, the Clash days are all the days of the Rooster 酉. In the Bazi system, as in the Chinese calendar, animals that are six steps apart collide with each other, so here the animal (Earthly branch) of the day collides with the animal (Earthly branch) of the month. However, it is not easy to calculate these days on your own, especially since without the Chinese calendar it is impossible to determine either the day of the Rooster or any other animal. But you can use our Fortune Calendar, which indicates the indicators of any day.

Since the Clash day means a break with the past, on this day it is good, for example, to seek medical help to interrupt a chronic disease. Old books say that on the day of Destruction you can get rid of something with the help of a medical procedure. That is, in some cases you can do medical operations, but you need to be careful!

This is a good day for repairing something broken, you can use it to destroy physical objects, to dismantle and demolish old buildings, structures, to disassemble mechanisms. For most other matters, the Clash day is not suitable due to its destructive power.

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Naturally, scheduling such important events as a wedding, engagement, opening a company, starting a trip or signing a contract, starting a new business, buying property on the Clash day is a bad idea; these are positive actions that should not be filled with destructive energies. None of the creative deeds will bring happiness.

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On the seventh day, the Clash occurs, during which either a way out of the situation or continuation of movement along the held trajectory is possible. And yet, even if we hold on, the next day still contains the danger of going astray, it is called Danger.

Below there is the designation of the 12 Indicators of the day in Tongshu, a traditional Chinese almanac.

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“The Big Dipper indicates conflicts, disputes and quarrels. An unfavorable day. Any business is bad luck. Making corned beef is good luck. Be extremely careful, because this is the most stressful day in the cycle. Avoid clashes, especially with the law, as this is a good day for catching criminals. Old almanacs advise fishing on this day, all other affairs will be unfavorable.”

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