Clash of the House of Parents in Bazi


The Clash of the House of Parents  days (沖太歲) in Bazi are determined by the Earthly branch (the so-called "animal of the Chinese horoscope") of the month of your birth. Many people only know the year of their own birth, Ox, Tiger, Snake or other animal. But the complete Chinese Bazi horoscope consists of four “pillars”: year, month, day and hour. The earthly branch of the birth month is called the “Palace” or “House” of the parents in Bazi, it is responsible for our relationship with our parents, primarily with our mother.

The Clash of the House of Parents in Bazi occurs when the Earthly branch of the current day (year, month) collides with the Earthly branch of a person’s birth month. If you don't know the animal of your birth month, our calculator will help you create your Bazi chart, which will reflect all the signs.

 Since this is a Clash that brings conflict, on this day you should not do important things related to your parents, negotiate with them or discuss something. Such a day most likely means that your parents may need your help. After all, the House of Parents is part of your own Bazi chart, and the Clash occurs between your birth month and the external animal that comes from the day, month, year or Pillar of Fortune. Accordingly, this external Clash can bring problems to parents that you can help with. At the same time, parents have their own destiny and fortune, their own Bazi charts, where, perhaps, no serious problems arise during this period.

Enable your Personal Feng Shui Fortune Calendar  and receive personalized information about the auspiciousness of days and hours based on your own Bazi horoscope. 

On such a day, it is useful to remember your parents, call them and find out if they need your support. Here you need to understand that in adulthood this Clash does not carry as much meaning as the Clash of the House of Marriage, for example. After all, parents often live separately from us, and their influence on our lives is limited.

Determining the day of the Clash of the House of Parents is quite simple; it is done according to the same principle as determining the Clash of the House of MarriageThe Clash of the House of Parents is the day whose animal collides with the animal of your birth month - in other words, the Earthly branch of the Month Pillar in your Bazi chart. For example, if you were born in June, the month of the Horse (Wu), all the days of the Rat (Tzu) conflict with your birth month, and are thus Parental House Clash days for you. Conversely, if you were born in December, the month of the Rat (Tzu), all Horse (Wu) days are Parental House Clash days for you.

Parents' House clashes occur in the following cases:

Earthly branch of birth month

Clash – day, month, year or 10 year period

Rat 子

Horse 午

Ox 丑

Goat 未

Tiger 寅

Monkey 申

Rabbit 卯

Rooster 酉

Dragon 辰

Dog 戌

Snake 巳

Pig 亥

Horse 午

Rat 子

Goat 未

Ox 丑

Monkey 申

Tiger 寅

Rooster 酉

Rabbit 卯

Dog 戌

Dragon 辰

Pig 亥

Snake 巳


 The Clash of the House of Parents can also come in a year, in a month or in a ten-year Pillar of Destiny. For example, a Clash occurs if you were born in June, the month of the Horse, and the Pillar of Destiny (year, month) of the Rat has come. Or you were born in the month of the Tiger and the Year of the Monkey has come.  Enable your Personal Feng Shui Fortune Calendar to calculate your Personal Stars for each day.

Install the "Feng Shui Fortune Calendar" app and choose auspicious days for any task right from your smartphone.

If the Clash comes for a long period of time, a period of luck of 10 years, this may mean that your parents need help for a long period. Since the Pillars of Destiny are built upon the Pillar of our Birth Month, each of us experiences a 10-year Parental House Clash between the ages of 50 and 60. This is natural, because if the parents are still alive, they are definitely not young, and they definitely need long-term help. At the same time, if our parents have already left us, then the Clash of the House of Parents does not have any important meaning and we can ignore it.