Star of Losses or Demon of Robbery


The Star of Losses, in Chinese: 劫煞 (jie sha, jie sha) is also called the Demon of Robbery.  This is a Personal symbolic star that represents various losses. Its other names speak to this: Demon of Losses, Demon of Robbery, sometimes it is called the Demon of Fears, Demon of Doubts or Star of Thieves, which also reflects its meaning.

During the days of the Demon of Robbery, losses of money, property, chances, opportunities, relationships, quarrels, courts and divorce are possible. So, losses may not necessarily be material. For example, this could be a loss of cheerfulness, social status, or respect for the law. There may be other losses that are difficult to express in terms of money: you can ruin your health, waste time, and lose face. This day is not suitable for weddings or any love affairs; you should also be careful with valuables and financial transactions.

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How to identify the Demon of Robbery in Bazi? You need to look at the animal (Earthly branch) of the person's year or birthday and find it on the left part of the table. Then find the other Earthly branch, meaning Demon, on the right half of the table. When the day of this animal comes, it means we have met our Demon. If you don't know the Earthly branch of your birthday,  make your Bazi chart with our calculator..

Earthly branch of the year or birth day

Star of Losses

申(Monkey)子(Rat)  辰 (Dragon)


巳(Snake) 酉 (Rooster) 丑 (Ox)


寅 (Tiger) 午 (Horse) 戌 (Dog)


亥 (Pig) 卯 (Rabbit) 未 (Goat)



For example, you were born in the year or on the day of the Rooster, then on any day of the Tiger, the Demon of Robbery will come to you. Enable your Personal Calendar and our tool will calculate this and other personal stars and give you results and recommendations according to your personal energy.

If a person was born in the years of the Pig 亥, Rabbit 卯 or Goat 未 and at the same time there is a Monkey 申 inside his Pillars of Destiny, this means that this person has a Star of Losses inside the Bazi chart. In a psychological sense, the meaning of the Demon of Robbery is an incorrect assessment of the situation, ignoring given circumstances, and an inability to set priorities. Without being able to reliably assess the situation, a person cannot understand what is important and what is not, which most often leads not only to financial losses, but also to others, for example, reputational ones.

Enable your Personal Feng Shui Fortune Calendar  and receive personalized information about the auspiciousness of days and hours based on your own Bazi horoscope.

However, the Demon of Robbery can in some cases also bring good luck, then it gives a person abilities that are significantly higher than the average, the ability to make unusual actions. The people have unusual ideas, they are honest, and are able to adhere to high moral standards.

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