Star of Loneliness in Bazi


The day when the Star of Loneliness (孤辰寡宿 Guchen guasu) comes to you can harm personal relationships and marriage. On such a day, it is easy to feel lonely, you can show excess suspicion and excessive expectations from others. There may be a desire to withdraw, to withdraw into oneself; on such days it is very difficult to meet a partner. At the same time, a day with the Star of Loneliness can help break off unnecessary relationships.

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The Star of Loneliness is determined by the year of birth of a person based on the sequence of three animals that form the seasons. Indeed, in the Chinese calendar, animals (they are also called Earthly branches) represent not only years, but also months. So, the Tiger roughly corresponds to February, the Rabbit to March, and the Dragon to April. Therefore, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon are spring, and Snake, Horse, Goat are summer and so on.

The following table shows how to find the Star of Loneliness:

Year of birth

Loneliness Star Day

Spring season

Tiger 寅

Rabbit 卯 

Dragon 辰

Ox 丑/ Snake 巳

Summer season

Snake 巳

Horse 午

Goat 未

Dragon 辰/ Monkey 申

Autumn season

Monkey 申

Rooster 酉

Dog 戌

Goat 未/ Pig 亥

Winter season

Pig 亥

 Rat 子

Ox 丑

Dog 戌/ Tiger 寅


How is the Star of Loneliness calculated depending on seasons? For example, Monkey, Rooster and Dog represent the autumn season, these are the months of August, September and October. The animal located in front of these three is the Goat (July), it is located directly in front of the Monkey. And the animal that comes immediately after this chain is the Pig (November) which follows the Dog. If someone was born in the years of the Monkey, Rooster or Dog, and the day of the Goat or Pig comes, then it is the Day of Loneliness for that person. Our Feng Shui Fortune Calendar will calculate your Days of Loneliness automatically when you connect your Personal Feng Shui Fortune Calendar.

If a person was born in the years of the Pig, Rat or Ox and at the same time there is a Dog or Tiger inside his Pillars of Destiny, this means that this person has the Star of Loneliness inside the Bazi chart. You can make your Bazi chart in our calculator and see if you have such a star.

If the Star of Loneliness is in the Daily Pillar of a person’s Bazi chart, that is, in the Palace of Marriage, this can mean obstacles in creating a family and a feeling of loneliness in marriage. This may manifest itself as an inability to find a partner, a wish to leave, a disproportionate distance towards people, a desire for an autonomous existence. People who have the Star of Loneliness in the Bazi chart are prone to feelings of loneliness and emotional impoverishment, to withdraw into themselves; such feelings sometimes lead to flight, emigration to a foreign country.

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If the Loneliness Star is in a person's Hour Pillar, it can mean obstacles with having children, but can also bring a feeling that the children have abandoned, forgotten the parent.

Sometimes, the Star of Loneliness is divided into two types: Lonely Planet 孤辰 (guchen) and Shelter of Loneliness 寡宿 (guasu) The Lonely Planet in Bazi is the animal that comes after the seasonal trinity, such as the Pig (November), which follows the autumn season (Monkey, Rooster, Dog). The Shelter of Loneliness in Bazi is an animal that is located before the season, that is, for autumn it is the Goat (July). The Lonely Planet is usually seen as the Star of Loneliness for men, and the Asylum of Loneliness for women. Although this division is quite nominal, any Star of Loneliness in the Bazi in any case brings a feeling of being abandoned and problems in one's personal life.