The Earth punishment in Bazi


The Earth punishment (恃勢之刑 Shishi Zhixing) in the Ba Zi occurs when the three Earth branches meet: Ox 丑, Goat 未 and Dog 戌. It is especially strong if two or three animals are next to each other in the Ba Tzu chart, for example, in the year, month and day or in the month, day and hour of birth.

The Earth punishment is also called "Frightening Punishment", "Humiliating Punishment" or "Bully Punishment", as it imbues the recipient with corresponding internal qualities. It can manifest itself in two ways: externally, when someone bullies a person, or internally, when a person “bullies” himself. The cause of such situations is a person’s own carelessness. This may look like retribution for a mistake or oversight in the past, which is why you have to suffer now.

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To determine if you have the Earth punishment , you should calculate your Bazi chart. If it contains all three animals that form the Earth punishment - that is, Goat, Ox, Dog, then the “internal” Earthly punishment is formed.

“Internal” punishment can manifest itself, for example, as a situation where a person has taken on too many responsibilities, and even when he understands that this is not his job, he internally cannot refuse it. As a result, he does not do what he promised and suffers because he did not do it. A person has to act in circumstances where he himself has created a situation for himself from which he cannot get out, finding himself in the position of a victim. Because such punishment engages the Earthly branches known as the “grave”, a person may feel lonely and misunderstood, which can lead to conscious isolation, a desire to isolate himself, to withdraw into himself.

If only one or two of the signs forming the Punishment occur in the Bazi chart, and other animals come in the current year or Pillar of Destiny, then an “external” Punishment appears. In the case of external Frightening punishment, circumstances may arise that prevent a person from achieving his goal due to reasons beyond his control. Such “external” punishments can come on a specific day. To calculate the days of Punishment in our Feng Shui Fortune Calendar you need to connect your Personal Feng Shui Fortune Calendar. It will give you recommendations for every day, taking into account your date of birth and all Personal Stars calculated on its basis.

The Punishment has the greatest impact on the area of life for which the Earth element is responsible. If this is Self-Expression in a woman’s chart, it can “attack” Power, which is the symbol of her man. As a result, it will bring problems in personal relationships.

If in the Bazi map the palace of marriage is affected by earthly punishment, that is, one of the animals is on the birthday, then in relationships with the opposite sex, a person often feels that he is being relegated to second roles, his opinions are not taken into account. Or he himself cannot understand the relationship, because he does not want to understand his partner and the current state of affairs. As a result, due to his own ignorance and unwillingness to understand the intricacies of relationships and situations, he dooms himself to losses, both relationships and material values.

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It is clear that the problems of Earthly punishment arise due to a person’s own worldview and behavior. To survive periods of Humiliating Punishment, you must first focus on your attitude. When a person is under constant pressure, he needs self-confidence and support from others. Positive thinking, good motivation and understanding that what is happening is not your fault will help you get through difficult times.

But the results of the influence of Punishment can also be positive if the element Earth, which represents it, is favorable for a person. In this case, everything is not so bad - as a result of possible problems, a person will be able to learn a useful lesson, become stronger and gain new personal qualities.