The Fire Punishment or Ungrateful Penalty


The Triple Punishment of Fire 三刑 or the Ungrateful Penalty occurs when the three Earthly branches (the so-called “animals of the Chinese zodiac”) come together: Tiger 寅, Monkey 申(yam) and Snake 巳. These animals can appear together in the current year, month and day, this combination is taken into account when choosing dates. Since all three animals, Tiger, Monkey and Snake in Bazi are considered “Traveling Horses”, Fire Punishment also foreshadows the danger of accidents in transport while moving. On such days, you should avoid traveling and moving to a new home. In the case of starting a business project or concluding an agreement, hiring employees on a day with the Ungrateful Penalty, people may behave dishonestly, deceive and even betray.

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In Bazi astrology, we take into account when Punishment affects a person’s Bazi chart, that is, all the animals are already in the chart, or some are in the chart, and some “come” in periods of good fortune, years or other periods of time.

When all three animals: Tiger 寅, Monkey 申(yam) and Snake 巳 are already in the bazi chart, for example, you were born in the year of the Tiger 寅, the month of the Monkey 申(yam) and the day of the Snake 巳, it is called the “full Ungrateful Penalty" or "internal" Punishment. It concerns a specific person and changes his own attitude towards the people around him and the events taking place. As the name suggests, in the Ungrateful Penalty, a person does not receive the gratitude he deserves for his deeds. For example, a person offers help to another from the bottom of his heart, without demanding anything in return, but instead of gratitude he receives new problems. Having not received what is due or simply expected, he feels deceived and is capable of becoming irritable and aggressive because of this. As a result, he begins to notice only the bad in others, sensing that he will be deceived again, he himself provokes such situations and ends up in them as a result of his own expectations. A person is overcome by pessimism, disappointment, depression, and distrust of others. It is clear that life is not easy for such people. They are pessimistic, frustrated, unhappy and prone to depression. People with the inward-looking Ungrateful Penalty are often cynical, see only the worst in everything, and believe that in themselves they are worthless, although they do not tell anyone about it. It always seems to them that there is some kind of catch everywhere, that someone is trying to deceive them. It happens that such people have an inferiority complex.

When one or two of the animals are already in your chart, and the animals missing to the Punishment combination come in the pillar of luck, in the year, month or day, such Punishment is turned outward. For example, you were born in the year of the Tiger 寅 and the month of the Snake 巳, and when the year of the Monkey 申 comes, there is a triple Fire Punishment affecting you in that year. This can be expressed in deeds done by someone towards you. That is, you seem to be doing everything right, but someone creates problems for you from which you suffer.

Ungrateful Penalty usually has a bad effect on family relationships. By affecting different palaces, it affects the relationship between relatives. If, for example, the Fire punishment affects the House of Marriage, that is, one of the animals is on the day of your birth, another in the month or hour, and the third comes (in luck, in the year, month or day), then problems may arise in the family life. For example, if there is a Tiger 寅 in the day pillar, and a Monkey 申 in the hour, then when the year of the Snake 巳 comes, this can lead to alienation and discord in the family and even divorce.

If the Fire Punishment affects the year of birth, it concerns you personally, it could be a disease, for example. If it affects the month of birth, it is associated with your parents, and if it affects the hour, it is associated with the children.

What scenarios can serve as an example of the Ungrateful Penalty? The following situation often occurs: a woman does her best to support her husband or friend in study and work, but when he reaches certain heights, he abandons his “soul mate.”

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When the element of Punishment is unfavorable for us, it causes especially strong problems. For example, for a person of weak Metal, Fire is unfavorable, and when Fire Punishment comes, this element becomes very strong, bringing a lot of trouble to the person. Also, you should look at which of the life aspects of the Bazi (Money, Power, Friends, Self-expression or Resources) is affected by Punishment. Accordingly, it can bring problems in these areas. For example, if punishment affects the aspect of Power, then the person may have problems with the law.

However, Fire Punishment is not always automatically viewed as something unfavorable. For example, if Fire is your favorable element, then the arrival of Fire punishment does not mean failure, on the contrary, it can indicate something good. If, for example, Fire is correlated with Money in Bazi, and this is your favorable element, then such Punishment can bring you money. But only when Fire is favorable. If it is unfavorable, then on the contrary, you can lose a lot of money.

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