Punishments in Bazi


In Bazi and in the choice of dates there is such a concept as “Punishments” 刑, this is one of the most complex relationships between the Earthly branches, better known as the “animals of the Chinese horoscope”. When these animals come, for example, in the current year, month and day, Punishments can affect all people on Earth, because dates affect everyone, such calculations are used in the date selection system. But when a certain configuration occurs within a person's Bazi chart or between the elements of his chart and the Earthly branches of the current time period, a Punishment may arise that will only affect him. For example, one or even two animals included in the Punishment are in the ba-tzu chart - that is, in the year, month, day or hour of a person’s birth, and the other animal comes in the current period of luck, in the year, month or day. Such Punishment is personal, it will only apply to the one who has these Earthly branches in his chart. To calculate such personal Punishments per day, you need to connect your Personal Calendar. In this case, he will issue individual recommendations taking into account your Bazi horoscope.

There are several types of Punishments

The Triple Ungrateful Punishment:

Tiger 寅 Monkey 申 Snake 巳

Triple Earth Punishment

Ox 丑 Dog 戌 Goat 未

Double Loveless Punishment

Rat 子 Rabbit 卯


Dragon 辰 Dragon 辰

Rooster 酉 Rooster 酉

Horse 午 Horse 午

Pig 亥 Pig 亥

At a basic level, the meaning of Punishment in Bazi can be explained as a situation that arose as a result of some action in the past, the effect of which haunts a person in the present. Something has been said or done previously and is manifested in a person’s present life. Punishment has primarily a psychological effect and, to a lesser extent, a physical effect. Almost always it is connected with how a person relates to certain events, people, and life situations. As a result, people with Punishment in their Bazi chart often feel dissatisfied and somewhat unhappy, always finding reasons for dissatisfaction, even if they are in a good mood.

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Punishments can vary in type and strength, some are quite tolerable, others can interfere with life. There are Punishments that can constantly keep a person in a bad mood, and there are also those that lead to certain events as a result of his actions. In any case, Punishments are rightly viewed as a useful lesson in life.

Unlike Earthly Branch Clashes, Punishments contain a more hidden type of problem. If Collisions are something obvious, then Punishments are something that a person does not immediately notice. This could be intrigue, gossip, betrayal happening behind your back. Sometimes Punishments can cause more serious problems than Encounters, as a person may not immediately notice the danger.

Punishment may appear inside a person’s Bazi chart; such Punishment can be called “internal”. Since the Earthly Branches in the Pillars of Destiny signify family members, this often indicates complex relationships between his relatives. For example, if someone was born in the month of the Horse 午 and the day of the Horse 午, they already have Horse Self-Punishment built into their Pillars of Destiny. This means that his mother and wife do not love each other, but do not show it openly. The mother will say something unpleasant about her daughter-in-law behind his back. Unlike Clashes, which usually mean open conflict, there is more secret dislike here.

But Punishment can also come in the Pillar of Fortune, in a year, month or day; such Punishment can be called “external”. When in any combination of the Pillars of Fate, the Pillars of Fortune, the current year, month, and day, all three signs of Tiger 寅 Monkey 申 Snake 巳 come together, we receive the Punishment of Ingratitude. For example, a person was born in the year of the Tiger 寅, is in the pillar of luck of the Snake 巳, and comes the year of the Monkey 申. Such Punishment lasts for a year, and he should behave especially carefully during this time. If someone was born on the day of the Rat 子, then on every day of the Rabbit 卯 he meets the Punishment of dislike. Of course, the Punishment that comes in the day is not so terrible, since the day lasts only a short time. It’s just that when choosing a date, we do not choose such a day for important actions.

But if the Punishment came during a ten-year period of luck, it is important to monitor your behavior all these years, taking into account the effect of the Punishment. For example, you were born in the year of the Ox 丑 and the month of the Goat 未 and entered the ten-year period of the Dog 戌. This formed an Earthly Punishment that will remain with you for the entire 10 years.

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The severity of the Punishment also greatly depends on whether elements favorable or unfavorable to you are involved in it.  If Punishment affects favorable elements, it is easier to survive the troubles that arise. If, on the contrary, the Punishment involves elements unfavorable for you, the problems will require more effort to solve them.

Most often, Punishment is not difficult to deal with, since it involves cause and effect relationships. Correct reaction to events, awareness of the problem, planning and self-organization, as a rule, help reduce the impact of Punishment. By determining the type of Punishment and what areas of life it affects, you can understand how best to act in the current situation.