Heavenly Doctor


The Heavenly Doctor (天醫 Tian Yi) in Bazi and date selection is a personal star that promotes successful treatment.  A day of the Heavenly Doctor is favorable for seeking medical help, medical procedures and operations. On such a day you can meet a good doctor, and treatment started on this day will be more successful.

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The Star of the Heavenly Doctor  is not the same as the Heavenly Doctor direction in the feng shui of the Eight Palaces. The personal star of the Heavenly Doctor falls on certain days and is calculated according to the animal (Earthly branch) of the month of your birth. Many people know the animals of the years, the so-called “animals of the Chinese zodiac,” but in the Chinese calendar, animals or Earthly branches designate not only years, but also months and days. To determine the Earthly branch of your birth month, you need to build your Bazi chart using the Chinese calendar or  r our calculator.

The following table will tell you how to find your personal Heavenly Doctor..

Animal of the birth month

Heavenly Doctor. – Animal of the Day

Ox 丑

Rat 子

Rat 子

Pig 亥

Pig 亥

Dog 戌

Dog 戌

Rooster 酉

Rooster 酉

Monkey 申

Monkey 申

Goat 未

Goat 未

Horse 午

Horse 午

Snake 巳

Snake 巳

Dragon 辰

Dragon 辰

Rabbit 卯

Rabbit 卯

Tiger 寅

Tiger 寅

Ox 丑


For example, if you were born in the month of the Dragon (around April), your Heavenly Doctor falls on every day of the Rabbit. If you were born in the month of the Snake (around May each year), our Heavenly Doctor falls on each Dragon day.

Among the common stars in the selection of dates, there is the Star of Diseases. It may seem that the tables for calculating the Heavenly Doctor and the general Disease Star are the same. But if you look closely, they have different starting points. Your Heavenly Doctor corresponds to the month of your birth, it is your personal star. The Star of Diseases is determined by the Earthly branch of the current month.

Sometimes it is not easy to take advantage of the power of your personal Heavenly Doctor star, because it is not a day at the hospital, the doctor is busy or you do not have time. But each month has a common star, the Heavenly Doctor, which usually falls on the Success Day. You can use it if for some reason you cannot use the days of your personal Heavenly Doctor

Enable your Personal Feng Shui Fortune Calendar and receive personalized information about the auspiciousness of days and hours based on your own Bazi horoscope.

In some situations, it may turn out that your Heavenly Doctor and your Personal Star of Fading fall on the same day. It is better to avoid such a day. If the day is accompanied by both good and bad stars, it is better to play it safe and find another date.

When it comes to choosing a date for a medical procedure, ideally there should be a day that is both the Success Officer day and your personal star of the Heavenly Doctor. Of course, it’s quite difficult to predict this way, because such days are rare. If you can’t find a Success Day, you can use the Officers of the Stable Day or the Balance Day, if these dates are also accompanied by the heavenly Doctor of your personal star. When you enable your Personal Feng Shui Fortune Calendar, our website will automatically calculate all your personal stars, including the Heavenly Doctor.