8. Dipper Lunar mansion


Dipper Lunar mansion 斗 (Dou) is the eighth in the 28 lunar mansions of Chinese astronomy. Since the constellations indicate places in the sky where the Moon “resides” every night, they are also called “28 Lunar Stations”, “28 Lunar Mansions”, in Chinese: 28 Xiu. The Ladle is also the first lunar mansion in the Northern Palace - the area of the Black Tortoise Xuanwu.

The lunar mansion of Dipper includes 6 stars:  Mu, Lambda, Phi, Sigma, Tau and Xi Sagittarius. General divinatory meaning: favorable.

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Element of the lunar mansion of Dipper:  Tree. Day: Tuesday. Planet: Jupiter. Animal: unicorn.

In ancient texts, this constellation was called the "Tortoise's Head" because it is the first in the Winter Palace of the Black Tortoise. In shape it resembles the Big Dipper (more precisely, its seven main stars), which the Chinese also called the “Dipper”. To avoid confusion, the eighth lunar mansion began to be called Nan Dou, that is, “Southern Dipper,” and the name Bei Dou (“Northern Dipper”) was assigned to Ursa Major.

Being a dipper, that is, a measuring vessel, Dou means filling, distributing rewards, rewarding good deeds, satisfaction and completion. The dipper is a mansion of wealth, success in the sciences, arts and victories in the military field. Like Winnowing Basket, the previous lunar mansion, it promotes commercial endeavors more than personal affairs. Doe indicates all types of luck; employees are promoted, their families are enriched. However, it is better not to start a job or new business partnership on a day accompanied by this lunar mansion.

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This lunar mansion also rules liquids and therefore patronizes wine merchants and all liquids in general. The Day of Dou is good for construction, digging and physical labor in general. In addition, this constellation is ideal for activities related to feng shui (choosing a location for a door or a water feature).

“Dig wells, build storerooms and barns, cut clothes, ten thousand tasks - bring happiness.”

A person born under this lunar mansion, although he neglects fate (floats at the will of the waves), but due to his talents, gifts and skill, has a love for places where wisdom and virtue are held in high esteem. This is how he achieves well-being. However, you should not take this part of the prediction too seriously. To study the fate of a person born on a certain day, it is better to use the Four Pillars of Destiny (Bazi) technique.

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