Travelling Horse


The Travelling Horse (祿馬 or Lu Ma) is one of the personal stars in bazi astrology that promotes the acceleration of all processes and advancement in endeavors. It is also known as the Postal Horse, Travel Horse, Riding Horse or Sky Horse. It symbolizes improvement in financial status, wealth, and travels. It is responsible for any swift actions, accelerates and sets everything in motion. This also applies to the sharing of information.

The Travelling Horse particularly influences business and financial matters in a highly favorable manner.  After all, wealth comes to those who think and act swiftly. The Travelling Horse is a star that aids in accelerating all processes.

Install the "Feng Shui Fortune Calendar" app and choose auspicious days for any task right from your smartphone.

For example, we tend to choose a day with the star Travelling Horse when we go on a business trip or business trip, any journey with commercial purposes. Even if you're going on vacation, the Travelling Horse will help ensure that everything goes smoothly with minimal expenses and problems. If you have important business during the trip, try to choose a day aligned with your personal Travelling Horse. This star is suitable for signing credit contracts and will help you pay off loans faster. Alternatively, you can use the Travelling Horse day when you want to advertise, quickly disseminate information, and achieve the desired effect. Activities initiated on such a day tend to yield more successful results!

To find your Travelling Horse, you need to know the animal of your birth year and the Earthly Branch (animal) of the current day. This can be easily done using the following table.

The Earthly Branch (animal) of the year of birth

The Earthly Branch (animal) of the current day –
Travelling Horse

Monkey 申

Rat 子

Dragon 辰

Tiger 寅

Pig 亥

Rabbit 卯

Goat 未

Snake 巳

Tiger 寅

Horse 午

Dog 戌

Monkey 申

Snake 巳

Rooster 酉

Ox 丑

Pig 亥


So, if you were born in the year of the Rabbit, the days of the Travelling Horse for you will be all days of the Snake. If you were born in the year of the Snake, then the days of the Pig — these are the days of the Travelling Horse

In some cases, it is difficult to use the Travelling Horse, because it is also the Personal Destroyer  This applies to people born in the year of the Tiger, Monkey, Snake, and Pig.

Enable your Personal Chinese Fortune Calendar and receive personalized information about the auspiciousness of days and hours based on your own bazi horoscope.

If you embark on a journey on a day that is both the Traveling Horse  and the Personal Destroyer for you, the situation can be both favorable and unfavorable at the same time.  The Traveling Horse will make the trip financially beneficial, but since there is also the Personal Destroyer in the day, many obstacles may arise during the journey (documents may be lost, money may be stolen, delays may occur), or serious problems may arise later with the money earned from the deal. However, the presence of other favorable daily stars on the departure day may somewhat improve the situation. Moreover, in such cases, it is advisable to choose a good hour for the start of the journey.

Another option is to use an alternative Travelling Horse calculated not by the year but by the day of birth.

The Earthly Branche (animal) of the current day

The Earthly Branch (animal) of the current day: Travelling Horse

Monkey 申

Rat 子

Dragon 辰

Tiger 寅

Pig 亥

Rabbit 卯

Goat 未

Snake 巳

Tiger 寅

Horse 午

Dog 戌

Monkey 申

Snake 巳

Rooster 酉

Ox 丑

Pig 亥


However, there is some difference between the Travelling Horse calculated by the year and by the day of birth.  While the year of birth is more closely associated with ourselves, our well-being, and finances, the day of birth is more closely linked to our personal life, marriage, and relationships. Therefore, the Travelling Horse calculated by the day of birth is more suitable for resolving personal matters, going on vacation, entertainment, and romantic dates. However, if you need an alternative Travelling Horse for business trips or resolving business matters, you can also use the Travelling Horse calculated by the day.

In the "Feng Shui Fortune Calendar" app your personal Travelling Horse is automatically calculated when you connect your Personal Chinese Fortune Calendar.