3. Root lunar mansion


The lunar mansion Root 氐 (Di) is the third in the set of 28 lunar mansions or constellations of Chinese astronomy. Since the constellations indicate places in the sky where the Moon “stays” every night, they are also called “28 Lunar Stations”, “28 Lunar Mansions”, in Chinese: 28 Xiu. The Root is also the third mansion in the Eastern Palace - the region of the Azure Dragon Qinglong.

The mansion Root includes 4 stars: Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Iota Libra. General divinatory meaning: unfavorable.

Element of the lunar mansion Root: Soil. Day: Saturday. Planet: Saturn. Animal: marten.

“Root” is probably the base of the next, fourth mansion of the Chinese lunar zodiac - “House (Rooms)”. These two lunar mansions apparently originally formed one whole.

Root-Di brings spring rains and morning dew, but also spring diseases. Presages disaster for those who performed funerals incorrectly or did not respect their elders.

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If a marriage takes place on this day, “evil people will be attracted to the house at night.” Children born from such a marriage will be poor, inattentive, or even deaf-mute. If you go on a trip on a ship, it will be wrecked. However, this constellation is a good investment in property, for public appearances, or important events broadcast on television and radio. For everything else, this constellation is unfavorable. In particular, you should avoid organizing a wedding, funeral, starting construction and renovation.

Корень - Ди, одно и 8 созвездий китайского лунного зодиака

Di foretells rains and winds in the spring, even stronger rains and winds in the summer, even stronger ones in the fall, storms and hurricanes in the winter. The patron of the lunar mansion is endowed with the ability to fly and knows the secrets of magical practices and potions.

“Wedding ceremonies, sowing crops, buying fields and vegetable gardens, building storerooms and barns are fortunate. Funeral rites are unfortunate.”

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A person born under this constellation will be accompanied by wealth and cordiality, luck in the service and prosperity in salary. Whatever he plans, everything comes true. Until old age, glory, respect, nobility and honor. However, you should not take this part of the prediction too seriously. To study the fate of a person born on a certain day, it is better to use the technique of The Four Pillars of Destiny, Bazi.

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