25. Star (Bird) Lunar mansion


The Star (Bird) Lunar mansion 星 (Xing) is the twenty-fifth in a series of 28 lunar mansions in Chinese astronomy. Since the constellations denote the places in the sky where the Moon "resides" every night, they are also called the "28 Lunar Mansions", "28 Lunar Houses", in Chinese: 28 Xiu. The Star is also the fourth lunar mansion in the Southern Palace, the Great Mansion of the Vermilion Bird Zhu Que.

The Star lunar mansion includes 7 stars: Alphard, Iota, Tau and other stars from the constellation Hydra. General divinatory meaning: unfavorable.

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Element of the Star lunar mansion: Sun. Day: Sunday. Planet: Sun. Animal: horse.

The full name of this lunar mansion is Qi Xing (Seven Stars). There is also another name - Niao (Bird). Alphard (Alpha Hydrae) is called the "Bird Star" or simply the "Star". It gave the abbreviated (and also alternative) name to the entire lunar mansion. The Bird Star marks the point of the summer solstice and as such is considered a bridge from the first half of the solar year to the second (we can recall in this regard the bridge of birds between the Shepherd and the Maiden in the lunar mansions of the Ox and the Weaver). Therefore, this lunar mansion rules bridges and fords. But since robbers often use bridges to ambush unwary travelers, this sign symbolizes robbery, piracy and kidnapping.

From the point of view of modern astrology, Sin is a mixture of good and bad luck. The days ruled by this lunar mansion are ideal for construction; those who perform construction work will receive a promotion. It is also considered a favorable lunar mansion (day) for concluding deals, business negotiations, opening ceremonies, starting an important project and starting a business. But this is an unfavorable day for weddings and funerals. A woman who gets married on the day of Sin will become a victim of a rapist, and those who bury their dead on this day will part ways. Xing is also associated with the craft of dyeing fabrics, making clothes and clothes in general.

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"Wedding ceremonies, sowing will lead to happiness. Funeral ceremonies, cutting clothes — to misfortune."

A person born under this constellation has a lot of prosperity, in any affairs the fulfillment of hopes and aspirations, but in old age there will be many things to worry about and think about.

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