21. Three Stars Lunar Mansion (Orion)


The Three Stars Lunar Mansion (Orion) — 参 (Shen) — is the 21st of 28 lunar mansions of Chinese astronomy. Since the constellations indicate places in the sky where the Moon “resides” every night, they are also called “28 Lunar Mansions”, “28 Lunar Houses”, in Chinese: 28 Xiu. Orion is also the seventh, last constellation in the Western Palace, the Great Mansion of the White Tiger Bai Hu.

The Orion lunar mansion includes 10 stars of the Orion constellation, including Betelgeuse, Rigel and Bellatrix. General divinatory meaning: variable.

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Element of the Orion lunar mansion: Water. Day: Wednesday. Planet: Mercury. Animal: monkey.

Shen is the Orion lunar mansion without the three stars that make up its "head" (they are allocated to a special, 20th constellation, the Turtle or Beak). The meaning of the Shen hieroglyph is rather vague. Some claim that it means "mixing" or "intertwining", others believe that this hieroglyph depicts the configuration of the Orion lunar mansion. Since the top three stars of Orion were "cut off" to form the twentieth constellation of the Turtle, Zui, Orion — quite logically — symbolizes beheadings and generally executions, murders, massacres and sudden death. He is also considered the patron of borders. In Chinese astrology, Shen can be both a lucky and an unlucky sign: it all depends on your actions and the direction of your thoughts.

It is believed that the day of Shen is favorable only for traveling, repairs, construction and practicing feng shui. Those who build on this day will be rewarded, it is also favorable to start any new ventures. For many affairs and undertakings, where the main condition for success is your hard work, the day of Orion is also acceptable. The success of the day largely depends on the direction and nobility of your thoughts. Shen is unfavorable for settling old affairs and burying the dead, as well as for weddings, marriages and engagements.

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"Wedding ceremonies, travel, search for wealth. Feeding children, setting up gates leads to happiness. Cutting clothes, funeral rites leads to misfortune."

A person born under this lunar mansion will be able to maintain well-being in a career and salary throughout his life and develop longevity, in any business - satisfaction of desires, But if he is proud and arrogant (presumptuous, uppity), he will surely squander wealth.

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