The Personal Harmony Day


The Personal Harmony Days are determined by the Heavenly Pillar of your birthday, which in Bazi is called the "the Daily Officer", "the Daily Dominant", "the Personal Element", etc. This Heavenly Pillar of a person's birthday, their Personal Element, represents the psychological "Self". Many people know that, according to the "Eastern Horoscope", they were born in the year of the Monkey, Rooster or another animal. But the full Chinese horoscope Bazi consists of four "pillars": vertical columns of the year, month, day and hour. Moreover, each pillar consists of two parts - an animal ("Earthly branch") and the so-called "Heavenly Pillar", located above the Earthly branch in the Bazi chart. In order to find your Personal Element, you should use the Chinese calendar or our calculator, having built your Bazi chart.

Heavenly pillars  are the energies of the heavens, which play an important role in both the Chinese calendar and Bazi astrology; they can interact in various ways, clashing and combining, merging together. In the case of Personal Clash, a conflict situation arises, and when merging, on the contrary, harmony and peace come to a person.

The Personal Harmony Day (五合 wu-he, five combinations) occurs when the Heavenly Pillar of a person's birthday meets with the Heavenly Pillar of the day.

The union of Heavenly Pillars is described as a "union of husband and wife" because in this relationship the Yang Heavenly Pillar, through the cycle of controlling the five elements, subdues the Yin Heavenly Pillar. For example, the Yang Fire 丙 combined with the Yin Metal 辛 forms a relationship in which Fire subdues Metal. But since here the Yang element subdues the Yin, they do not conflict, but "become husband and wife", which means they like each other and merge. This is similar to how a man "subdues" a woman.


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How to calculate the Personal Harmony Day? To do this, use the table of unions of the Heavenly Pillars

Personal Element/ the Heavenly Pillar of the Day

the Heavenly Pillar of the Day/Personal Element

Yang Wood

Yin Earth

Yin Wood

Yang Metal

Yang Fire

Yin Metal

Yin Fire

Yang Water

Yang Earth

Yin Water

For example, if you are born on a Yang Earth day 戊, all Yin Water days 癸 will unite with your Personality Element, and thus are Personal Harmony days for you. And vice versa, if you are born on a Yin Water day 癸, all Yang Earth days 戊 are Personal Harmony days for you. By enabling the Personal Calendar from this website, you will be able not only to automatically calculate your Personal Harmony days, but also to receive individual recommendations based on the personal data of your Bazi chart.

In life, the Day of Personal Harmony can manifest itself, for example, like this: if your Personal Element is Yang Fire 丙, and the day of Yin Metal 辛 comes, on this day you feel calmer and more even, which means you have a chance of pleasant meetings with other people. Perhaps a good mood comes to you, and you show yourself positively towards others, even if you previously had negative feelings towards them, and they respond to you in the same way. This can manifest itself in the fact that when you meet people who like you and you like them, you have more sympathy for those around you.

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Since on the day of Personal Harmony you become less conflictual and more attractive to others, such a day is favorable for public speaking, presentations, communication, persuading people and establishing personal relationships.

It may happen that the day of your Personal Harmony in the Calendar of Luck is marked as not a very favorable day in general. This means that this day may not be very pleasant for most people on Earth. But if this is the day of your Personal Harmony, it means that you are the one who is accompanied by more luck in personal relationships on this day.