Dahan Solar Term – the Greater Cold
It is very cold. All living things are hiding. Everything is frozen. This is the second solar term of winter, the second season of the annual cycle. Perhaps this is the most difficult time of the year. All living things are eagerly awaiting spring, thoroughly tired of the cold and gloomy winter. However, signs of awakening of nature are gradually beginning to appear. The days are getting longer. Very soon spring will come and the start of a new cycle of 24 solar terms. Dahan solar term 大寒 is the twenty-fourth of the 24 solar terms of the Chinese calendar.
The Dahan solar term 大寒 is the second fourth of the 24 solar terms of the Chinese calendar,, this is the last season of the entire annual cycle. Winter is ending, its last, third month, the last of the winter solar terms has arrived. Every year it begins on January 19-21 and corresponds to the second half of the month of the Ox. With the end of this season, around February 3-4, the New Year begins according to the solar Chinese calendar and the first solar term of the new cycle of Lichun, "the Beginning of Spring".
The last small season of the Chinese agricultural calendar is the coldest time of the year, although according to modern meteorologists, the average temperature in the Northern Hemisphere at this time is slightly higher than in the previous solar term Xiaohan (Lesser Cold). Just like in the penultimate season, the Lesser Cold, so in the last, the Greater Cold, The amount of rainfall is usually minimal.
The image of a pond covered with thick ice with the flickering life in the depth of which, totally suits this season. This is a cold and harsh time. Winter is still showing its strength. All living things are impatiently waiting for spring, thoroughly tired of the cold and gloomy winter. And gradually signs of awakening of nature begin to appear. The duration of daylight hours after the winter solstice increases by almost an hour. Sometimes it seems like a spring mood: the air becomes ringing, and the sunlight plays differently.
During this period of time, during the Dahan solar term and before the onset of Lichun (Coming of Spring), there are many folk customs and holidays. According to the old tradition, in rural areas of China they begin to say goodbye to everything old and move on to new things: they update their home furnishings, make purchases, pickles and begin to prepare for the celebration of the New Year, the Spring Festival, stocking up on gifts. This New Year is marked by the traditional Lunar calendar, so it can start in the Dahan solar terms as well as in the following Lichun solar term.
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The Dahan solar term is filled with the atmosphere of fun and happiness, it is a cheerful and light season.
With the onset of Dahan, winter is coming to an end, there is a lull in field work. Signs of the awakening of nature begin to appear.
It is believed that with the arrival of the Greater Cold solar term comes the time of New Year's concerns, but we must not forget about summing up the results of the year, another Chinese proverb is asserted - "Greater cold and New Year is the time to draw conclusions and sum up" (Chinese: 大寒过年, 总结经验). In Chinese companies, the management determines the amount of New Year's bonuses, and employees recall their achievements from the previous year in order to gently "remind" them of them if the boss accidentally forgets.
In Chinese families, they begin to buy decorations for the houses: spring paired inscriptions, lacy paper decorations for windows with New Year symbols. They already buy products that will not stale, for example, nuts, sweets, dried fruits: some will go to the New Year's table, some will be taken with them when granting visits.
This is a hard time: all living things are eagerly awaiting spring, thoroughly tired of the frosty and gloomy winter. Cold, dry weather and wind lead to a weakening of the body's defenses and a slowdown in metabolic processes, which negatively affects health. But it is good health that allows you to achieve longevity and prosperity.
You should continue to follow the advice of traditional ancient culture that was given in the winter seasons: go to bed earlier, wake up later, combine work and rest, and stay calm. This is all done to accumulate the most valuable and nutritious substance of our body, the Qi energy.
You should wear a hat, bask in the rays of the warm winter sun. You can steam your feet in mild water with ginger and wormwood infusion. The temperature in living quarters must be maintained at least 18°C. At the same time, the water for the shower should not be too hot.
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During the Dahan Solar term, the physical and mental state of a person must be adjusted in accordance with the changes in the natural environment. To do this, one must follow the laws of changes in nature to resist the threats of diseases. During this period, beware of the pathogenic effects of the wind, which can harm the tendons and bones. Do not stay outside during heavy snowfall. Do not overheat, make sure that there is not too much sweat on the skin, otherwise it will harm the stomach. During this season, focus on how to absorb life energy when inhaling.
Food should be warm and comforting, oily and light, protecting the body from cold and disease.
You can allow yourself more beef and lamb, fresh vegetables and fruits (winter bamboo sprouts, spinach, kale and cabbage, shiitake; longan, Chinese dates, citrus fruits), soy products (tofu, soy milk), and less garlic and hot pepper, while the amount of ginger and onions (including leeks) consumed may not be reduced. Less salty foods, more bitter ones.