Chunfen Solar Term – Spring Equinox


On the first day of this season, the length of the day is equal to the length of the night. The sun rises exactly in the east and sets exactly in the west. Here spring is divided into two parts.

The Chunfen Solar Term (春分 “Spring Equinox” or “Mid-Spring”) begins on March 20-21 and coincides with the 2nd half of the month of the Rabbit according to the Chinese calendar. This is the fourth minor season of the 24 seasons of the Chinese calendar. Chunfen is the midpoint of the Ninety Day Spring. On this day, nature is in harmony, there is a balance between the principles of “Yin” and “Yang”. The Chunfen season lasts until about April 5, when it gives way to the Qingming Solar Term - Clear and Light.


The fourth solar term of the Chinese agricultural calendar begins on March 20-21, when the last signs of winter have already disappeared, all nature comes to life, flowers bloom, birds chirp. The weather is getting warmer, precipitation is more abundant, and the sun is brighter. During the season, the temperature gradually stabilizes, the days become longer than the nights, and the nights are no longer very cold


  1. A game called “putting chicken eggs upright” (竖蛋). Although at the moment it is difficult to say how the Chinese custom has developed into a worldwide game, it is indeed very interesting: take an oval, smooth and fresh chicken egg and place it vertically on the table. It's not very easy, but many people succeed. In modern popular publications, this phenomenon is explained by the astronomical features of the day of the vernal equinox, as well as the special “harmonious” state in which people are at this time, which provides them with proper dexterity. Millions of people, including from other countries, paint eggs and try to stand them upright.
  2. Ceremony of "flogging the spring bull" (打春牛). Agriculture has always been the core of Chinese civilization. Spring is the time of plowing, and they usually plowed with oxen. Since ancient times, in villages on the days of the spring equinox, the ceremony of “flogging the spring bull” (打春牛) is held, during which the oldest resident of the village whips a specially made clay spring bull (春牛) three times, which means the beginning of the year of agriculture and encouragement of sowing work. Then other peasants begin the “flogging”. And to get rid of diseases, women with small children in their arms walk around the clay bull three times. Those present take the fragments of the broken clay sculpture of a bull for themselves as an amulet.
  3. There is also a custom in which people exchange drawings of the “spring bull” (春牛图), which is led to the fields by the spirit named Gou-mang, the spirit of spring, of Tree, of the East, named Gou-mang (句芒). Such designs remind people that spring is the key season of the year and they need to focus on agricultural work.
  4. Kites (放风筝)are flown over the fields, they are designed to scare away birds from the sprouts that have appeared.


During the Chunfen solar term, the temperature either quickly rises or falls rapidly, and sometimes the cold can persist for quite a long time. The ancient Chinese gave this weather phenomenon the name “Daochunhan”. At this time, the difference between day and night temperatures is still relatively large, plus, active reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms and greenery begins to bloom. All this can cause nasal congestion, sneezing, and coughing.

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The Chunfen solar term, characterized by a balanced length of day and night, heat and cold, requires the same balance of Yin (body fluid) and Yang (organ functions and circulation) in the body. From the day of the spring equinox to the beginning of the Qingming season, plants sprout and buds swell. At this time, the blood in the body actively circulates, the level of hormonal activity is also quite high. Under these conditions, exacerbations of hypertension, hemorrhoids, menstrual irregularities, allergy attacks and other diseases often occur.

Prohibitions during this solar term include alcohol, cigarettes, lack of sleep, and irritation.

Traditional Chinese medicine gives its recommendations for the small season of Chunfen: it is necessary to maintain a good mood and general optimism. It is important to maintain a regular daily routine, strengthen your body, and healthy sleep is very necessary.


Harmonious nutrition is very important during the spring equinox.

Traditionally, the Chinese eat a lot of fresh greens in spring. Dumplings, manti, pies, pasties, and spring rolls (春饼) are cooked with herbs.

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As for food regulation this season, when choosing products you should also focus on the balance of food. Too hot or too cold food is not recommended. Naturally hot (or warm) foods are best combined with naturally cool foods. For example, when preparing dishes from “hot” lamb, young shoots of garlic, papaya, to balance the dish,  you should add radishes, eggs, tofu, and when preparing dishes from “cold” fish, shrimp, crabs, you should balance the dish with peeled ginger and onions leek, wine, vinegar.