11. Void (Emptiness) Lunar Mansion


The Void (Emptiness) Lunar Mansion虛 (Xu) is the eleventh of the 28 constellations of Chinese astronomy. Since the constellations indicate places in the sky where the Moon “resides” every night, they are also called “28 Lunar Mansions”, “28 Lunar Houses”, in Chinese: 28 Xiu. The Void is also the fourth lunar mansion in the Northern Palace, the Great Lunar Mansion of the Black Tortoise Xuanwu.

The Void lunar mansion includes 2 stars: Beta Aquarius and Alpha Lesser Horse. General divinatory meaning: unfavorable.

Element of the Void Lunar Mansion: Sun. Day: Sunday. Planet: Sun. Animal: rat.

This is the central lunar mansion of the Black Tortoise Palace, symbolizing loneliness, emptiness, cold, hibernation and the grave. Emptiness is also considered a lunar mansion of illness, and is not suitable for public, financial or personal matters. Try not to do any important things on this day and not start new projects.

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Xu governs cemeteries, graves, funerals, gravediggers and the last wills. Since it is the lunar mansion of cold and hibernation, in the modern world it patronizes the frozen food industry.

Days ruled by Xu-Void are fraught with domestic quarrels. This is not a good day for construction or earthworks, for “the tigers will seize the baby and devour him, tears will sprinkle the graves of the recently dead; illnesses will haunt the family for three, or even five years, and in the end the family will collapse.” People who rashly marry on a day under the sign of Xu can expect the birth of very naughty children.

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“Whatever the situation, only retreat and defense bring happiness.”

A person born under this lunar mansion is deprived of prosperity; moreover, he starts hostility and wages wars, which worsens troubles and misfortunes. Therefore, in any business you should be especially careful and attentive. However, you should not take this part of the prediction too seriously. To study the fate of a person born on a certain day, it is better to use the Four Pillars of Destiny (Bazi) technique.