The Personal Star of Heavenly Virtue


The Personal Star of Heavenly Virtue, which is also often called Heavenly Grace or Noble Force of Heaven (天德貴人 Tiande Gui Ren) is one of the very useful stars in a person's Bazi. This star transforms bad luck into good luck, misfortune into happiness, helps to realize any intentions in business and in personal relationships. It is believed that the Stars of Virtue weaken and even neutralize the effect of Clashes and Punishments.

The Personal Star of Heavenly Virtue is responsible in Bazi for the qualities of charisma and attractiveness, so it helps a person to present himself in society. People who have the Star of Heavenly Virtue in their Bazi chart can easily find friends, gain popularity and trust among a wide range of people. Making a person charming and authoritative, the Star of Heavenly Virtue is often found in the Bazi of celebrities and popular leaders. Check your Bazi chart with our calculator and see if there is such a star in your Bazi chart!

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In order to learn how to determine the Star of Heavenly Virtue yourself, you should study the Chinese calendar. Most people only know the "animal of the Chinese horoscope" of their year of birth. But in the Chinese calendar, animals or Earthly branches denote not only years, but also months and days. In addition, each Earthly branch corresponds to another sign - the Heavenly stem. 

To find the Personal Star of Heavenly Virtue, you need to know the Earthly branch of the month of your birth and the Heavenly stem or Earthly branch of the day you are interested in. In most cases, it is not very difficult to determine the animal of the month, you just need to look at the table:

Approximate dates of the beginning of the month

Animal (Earthly branch) of the month


























But you can only determine the Heavenly Pillar or Earthly Branch of the day using the Chinese calendar. You can also find them in our Fortune Calendar.

The table below shows how to find your personal Personal Star of Heavenly Virtue. On the left is the animal of the month of birth, and on the right is your star. It can be inside the Bazi chart or come from outside.

Earthly Branch (Animal) of the month of birth

Star of Heavenly Virtue - Earthly Branch (EB) or Heavenly Pillar (HP) of the day

Tiger 寅

HP Yin Fire丁

Rabbit 卯

EB Monkey 申

Dragon 辰

HP Yang Water 壬

Snake 巳

HP Yin Metal 辛

Horse 午

EB Pig 亥

Goat 未

HP Yang Wood 甲

Monkey 申

HP Yin Water癸

Rooster 酉

EB Tiger 寅

Dog 戌

HP Yang Fire 丙

Pig 亥

HP Yin Wood 乙

Rat 子

EB Snake 巳

Ox 丑

HP Yang Metal 庚

There are general and personal Virtue stars. The former are calculated for the current month and affect all people on Earth on the corresponding days, the latter are calculated for the month of birth and affect only those who have them on this day. To see not only general, but also personal stars that work only for you, enable the Personal Calendar on our website..

Days with the Personal Star of Heavenly Virtue allow you to fulfill any intentions, both business and personal. These are good days for public speaking, establishing business and personal contacts. The energy of the day with the Star of Virtue has a generally calming effect on business partnerships. Therefore, such a day is suitable for establishing contacts and negotiations, hiring people, as well as for breaking off relationships and firing employees.

Enable your Personal Feng Shui Fortune Calendar and receive personalized information about the auspiciousness of days and hours based on your own Bazi horoscope.

In addition to the Star of Heavenly Virtue, there is also the Monthly Star Virtue or Noble Power of the Moon (月德貴人 Yuede Guiren). The meaning of Lunar Virtue in Bazi is very similar to the meaning of Heavenly Virtue. The difference lies only in the way the stars are calculated.

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