The Golden Carriage


The Golden Carriage Star (金教練 Jinjiao Li'an) traditionally signifies a high social status. In ancient times, only very noble and rich people traveled in a carriage or sedan chair. That is, the original meaning of the Golden Carriage in Bazi is that its owner does not need to travel on foot, he will always be carried or driven by other people, like a noble person.

And today the meaning of the Golden Carriage is a high standard of living. The owner of this star in the Bazi chart values ​​external attributes of wealth - an expensive car, beautiful clothes, prestigious housing, decent food, jewelry. The Golden Carriage is an eternal desire for a higher standard of living, when a person always considers himself worthy of more!

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How to find the Golden Carriage in the Bazi chart? This is done based on the interaction of the Heavenly Stem of the day of birth and the Earthly Branch (the animal of the "Chinese zodiac"), which can be in the Bazi chart or come "from outside". If you do not know the Heavenly Pillar of your birthday, just check your Bazi chart with our calculator , and find it. Next, you can find the Golden Carriage using the table below.

Heavenly Pillar of the day of birth Golden carriage - Earthly branch

Yang Wood 甲

Dragon 辰

Yin Wood 乙

Snake 巳

Yang Fire 丙

Goat 未

Yin Fire 丁

Monkey 申

Yang Earth 戊

Goat 未

Yin Earth 己

Monkey 申

Yang Metall 庚

Dog 戌

Yin Metall 辛

Pig 亥

Yang Water壬

Ox 丑

Yin Water 癸


Tiger 寅

Under certain circumstances, the star Golden carriage can endow its owner with success in the financial sphere, a good position and career. When found in the marriage palace (Earthly Branch of the day of birth), the star gives the potential to meet a spouse from a wealthy family. However, to get rich, the presence of the Golden Carriage in the Bazi chart is not enough. To increase your material wealth and achieve everything that the star promises, you also need good luck. But in any case, the owner of the Golden Carriage in Bazi will never be left completely without money.

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The Golden Carriage star can be found not only in the Bazi chart, but also in the Pillar of Fortune, it can also come in a year, in a month or in a day. A day with this star is very suitable for buying a car, boat, motorcycle or any other vehicle. To determine the days of the Golden Carriage automatically, enable the Personal Calendar on our website.

It is also believed that when the Golden Carriage is in Clash, it indicates the potential for accidents, losses and injuries, as the star is associated with vehicles. Therefore, if you find such a star in your chart, you should be careful and cautious during Clash periods both while driving and on the roads in general. The table below will help you determine the Clashes of the Golden Carriage. 

Birthday Heavenly Pillar

Golden Carriage – Earthly Branch

Golden Carriage Clashes

Yang Wood 甲

Dragon 辰

Dog 戌

Yin Wood 乙

Snake 巳

Pig 亥

Yang Fire 丙

Goat 未

Ox 丑

Yin Fire 丁

Monkey 申

Tiger 寅

Yang Earth 戊

Goat 未

Ox 丑

Yin Earth 己

Monkey 申

Tiger 寅

Yang Metall 庚

Dog 戌

Dragon 辰

Yin Metall 辛

Pig 亥

Snake 巳

Yang Water 壬

Ox 丑

Goat 未

Yin Water 癸

Tiger 寅

Monkey 申

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