
The Flower of Romance Star (桃花 Tao Hua, Peach Blossom) is similar in many ways to the Red Luan star. The Peach Blossom meaning in Bazi is attractiveness and charm. The flower gives a person intelligence, gentleness, sincerity, grace, sexuality and beauty, makes him irresistible, ensuring success with the opposite sex.

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How to find Peach Blossom in your Bazi chart or in the Pillar of Fortune? This is done based on the interaction of the Earthly branches (animals of the "Chinese zodiac"). One Earthly branch is the animal of the year or day of birth of a person, and the second is another branch, which can be in the Bazi chart or come "from outside". Most likely, you know the year of which animal according to the Chinese horoscope you were born, but what about your birthday? If you do not know it, just calculate your Bazi chart on our calculator, and determine the animal on the day of birth. Next, you can find Peach Blossom manually, using the table below.

Animal of the year or day of birth

Peach Blossom

申  Monkey

子  Rat

辰  Dragon

酉  Rooster

亥 Pig

卯  Rabbit

未  Goat

子  Rat

寅  Tiger

午  Horse

戌  Dog

卯  Rabbit

巳 Snake

酉  Rooster

丑  Бык

午  Horse


For example, if you were born in the year or day of the Monkey 申, Rat 子 or Dragon 辰, your Peach Blossom will be the Rooster 酉. The Flower of Romance, like other personal stars, can be found not only in a person's Bazi chart, it can come from "outside", that is, it can be found in the ten-year Pillar of Fortune, and then it will be in effect for the entire period.

Peach Blossom can also come in the year, and then you will receive its influence for the entire year. For example, if your Peach Blossom is a Rooster, then in the years of the Rooster you may be especially attractive to the opposite sex. This will be a good time to make new acquaintances, fall in love or get married. The flower may also come in a month or a day, but then its influence is more short-term. However, you can also use the short-term influences of the star. For example, on the day of the Peach Blossom, you have a chance to meet an interesting person of the opposite sex, since you will be especially attractive and interesting. Such a day is great for romantic dates, establishing and strengthening personal relationships. The day is good for public speaking, getting a job, even for communicating with the boss, on this day he (she) may be more favorable to you.

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Romance is only one side of the Peach Blossom, it is capable of much more... Thanks to the Peach Blossom, a person is able to charm others, and these qualities can be used not only for love, but also for business relationships, work and business. Having the Flower of Romance is useful for actors, politicians, TV stars, and in general all public figures, because it is easier to win the trust of others with it. Thanks to their ability to charm, owners of the Peach Blossom in the Bazi chart find it easier to negotiate with people: they are more willing to meet halfway when they feel the charm of a person. This allows you to captivate people, get followers and fans.

As we can see in the table, the Peach Blossom is always one of four animals: Rooster 酉, Rat 子, Rabbit 卯 or Horse 午. Since the years affect all people on Earth, activating the Peach Blossoms in many people, in the years of the Rooster 酉, Rat 子, Rabbit 卯 and Horse 午, there are more romantic encounters, popular lyrical films are released, famous musical and artistic works appear.

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