Wizard of Love (Red Luan)


Red Luan (红色鸞鳥 Hong Se Luan Niao, Red Luan Bird) is called the "Wizard of Love". It is also often called the "Red Phoenix", simply because the Phoenix bird is a closer and more understandable analogue of the Chinese Luan from ancient mythology. Another name is "Peach Blossom Red Luan" (紅鸞桃花, Hong Luan Tao Hua) by analogy with the "Peach Blossom" , another Bazi star responsible for charm and love life.

Like the Peach Blossom, Red Luan is responsible for attractiveness, it gives a person intelligence, gentleness, sincerity, grace, sexuality and beauty, makes him irresistible, ensuring success with the opposite sex. Therefore, Red Luan is often found in the chart of "fatal" women and loving men.

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In Chinese symbolism, Luan embodies the feminine principle, it is usually depicted in a love couple with the Dragon, symbolizing male energy, together Luan and the Dragon make up an ideal union.

It is quite easy to determine the Red Luan using the table below, you just need to know the animal (Earth branch) of your birthday. For example, if you were born on the day of the Horse (午), then your Red Luan will be the Rooster (酉). And vice versa, if you were born on the day of the Rooster (酉), your Wizard of Love  will be the Horse (午). Calculate your Bazi chart with our calculator and check if it contains the Red Luan.

 Animal of your Birthday

Red Luan

Rat,  子

Rabbit,  卯

Ox,  丑

Tiger,  寅

Tiger,  寅

Ox,  丑

Rabbit,  卯

Rat,  子

Dragon,  辰

Pig,  亥

Snake,  巳

Dog,   戌

Horse,   午

Rooster,  酉

Goat,  未

Monkey,  申

Monkey,  申

Goat,  未

Rooster,  酉

Horse,   午

Dog,   戌

Snake,  巳

Pig,  亥

Dragon,  辰

If you found the Red Phoenix in your Bazi chart this indicates that you are naturally gifted with the ability to charm and conquer hearts. You attract the attention of the opposite sex, and you have no problems making new acquaintances. Owners of the Red Luan in their Bazi chart constantly notice interest in their person in love and intimate terms. Giving a person attractiveness, Luan also indicates career growth and financial well-being.

Despite the fact that Luan embodies the feminine principle, the Red Luan Star manifests itself equally in both women and men, making both more attractive. However, you should not rely only on the Red Luan in your personal life: it can give you relationships and marriage, but their success and mutual understanding in the family will depend only on the person himself. The same applies to issues of earnings and career growth: a person himself must keep what this magical star has given them.

It is not for nothing that the Red Phoenix is ​​called the Wizard of Love. From time to time, he also visits those who do not have him in their Bazi chart. And then a miracle happens! Coming in the Pillar of Fortune or in the year, this star makes a person irresistible, gives a special charm and  a sparkle in the eyes. At such moments in life, it is very easy to meet a worthy partner, fall in love and find reciprocal love.

The Red Luan star can also come in the day. On such a day, you will be especially attractive to the opposite sex, pleasant and useful acquaintances are very likely, there are good chances to meet love. You can make romantic dates, develop existing relationships, and have a good time. When the Personal Calendar, our calculator will automatically calculate the days with Red Luan, which you can use for dates and romantic encounters.

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However, Red Luan does not tolerate the​​​​​​​ Clashes we talked about here. If Luan suddenly finds itself in Clash with the year, month or the Fortunate Period, the Wizard of Love does not work, and then the person, on the contrary, finds it difficult to meet new people, and others do not see him as attractive. This happens, for example, when a person was born on the day of the Horse (午), and in their Bazi chart, Red Luan is represented by the Rooster (酉). When the Rabbit (卯) comes to them in the current Pillar of Luck, year, month or day, this creates a Clash between the Rooster (酉) and the Rabbit (卯). Then a person who is usually attractive and easily makes new acquaintances suddenly notices that their charm seems to have disappeared. It can be difficult to establish new romantic relationships or maintain existing ones. There can be conflicts and misunderstandings with partners.

During such periods, it is better to be careful in love affairs and not to rush into important decisions, giving yourself time to wait out this unfavorable moment.

Another problem with Red Luan is when the negative star of the Lonely Luan. comes in the Pillar of Fortune, year, month or day. These are certain periods when you can feel more loneliness and experience that you are abandoned by loved ones, so it is better not to try to arrange personal affairs, but to wait for a more favorable period.

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