Harmony of Spouse House


The Days of the Harmony of Spouse House  (合夫妻宫) in Bazi are determined by the Earthly Branch (the so-called "animal of the Chinese horoscope") of your birthday. Many people know that they were born in the year of the Monkey, Dragon, Dog, or another animal. But the full horoscope of Bazi consists of four "pillars": year, month, day, and hour. The Earthly Branch of the birthday is called the "Spouse House" in Bazi (it is also called the House of Marriage, the Spouse Palace, or the House of Family).

Harmony of Spouse House  in Bazi happens when the Earthly branch of the current day merges with the Earthly branch of the person's birthday. Earthly branches of the day can be found in our Fortune Calendar, and the Bazi chart can be built using our Calculator. Such a day can bring more love, opportunities for romantic encounters and dates. On this day, people will hear and understand each other better, it is easier for them to establish friendly and love relationships.

Enable your Personal Feng Shui Fortune Calendar and receive personalized information about the auspiciousness of days and hours based on your own Bazi horoscope.

Determining the day of the Union of the Spouse House is quite simple – it is the day whose animal unites with the animal of your day of birth – in other words, with the Earth branch of the Day Pillar in your Bazi chart. For example, if you were born on the day of the Horse (午), all the days of the Goat (未) unites with your Spouse House, and are therefore the days of Harmony of Spouse House for you. And vice versa, if you were born on the day of the Goat (未), all the days of the Horse (午) are days of Harmony of Spouse House for you. When you enable the Personal Calendar, you will see all the days of Harmony of Spouse House and your other personal stars that influence your luck on this day. Unions happen in the following cases:

Unions happen in the following cases:

Earth branch of the day of birth

Union – day, month, year or 10-year period

Rat 子

Ox 丑

Ox 丑

Rat 子

Tiger 寅

Pig 亥

Rabbit 卯

Dog 戌

Dragon 辰

Rooster 酉

Snake 巳

Monkey 申

Horse 午

Goat 未

Goat 未

Лошадь 午

Monkey 申

Snake 巳

Rooster 酉

Dragon 辰

Dog 戌

Rabbit 卯

Pig 亥

Tiger 寅


The union of the Spouse House can also happen in a ten-year period Pillar of Fortune, in the year or in the month. For example, the Union if you were born on the day of the Horse and the Pillar of Fortune (year, month) of the Goat has arrived. Or you were born on the day of the Tiger and the year of the Pig has arrived.

If the Union has come for a long time, a period of luck of 10 years, it often brings good opportunities in your personal life, you can fall in love, find a suitable partner or get married. If you are single, the Union with the Spouse House can be your chance to find your soulmate. After all, the Union means contact and harmony, and if a single person has Union in a 10-year period of luck, it means that during these 10 years their Spouse House will be in greater harmony, and the one will be more active in finding a partner.

But the Harmony of Spouse House can negatively affect those who are in a relationship, since it means romance and falling in love. The romantic mood can be directed both at the existing partner and at a new object of desire. The Union can bring a third person into family life, and then the further development of the relationship will depend on how much the partners value the connection that exists between them. That is, the Union in a 10-year period, in a month or in a year, can mean both more harmony and understanding in existing relationships, and the emergence of new ones.

If the Union came for a short period (and such days come to each of us every 12 days), this is unlikely to lead to a new romance, because tomorrow is another day, and our mood will change. It is better to use this day consciously, directing the energy of the Union to improving and harmonizing existing relationships.

Install the "Feng Shui Fortune Calendar" app and choose auspicious days for any task right from your smartphone.

Thus, the day of Harmony of Spouse House is a good day for personal relationships, it gives single people more opportunities for romantic meetings and dates, such days are also very suitable for a wedding. For married people, such days provide good opportunities for a heart-to-heart talk, strengthening partnerships and family affairs.

The Day of Harmony of Spouse House is also favorable for "external" actions, such as establishing new contacts, persuading others, making speeches and improving the interaction of the parties, since on such a day we are more attractive to others.

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