Personal Day stars

Personal Day Clash
Personal Day Clash (大耗日 Da Hao Ri) is a day that does not harmonize with your bazi horoscope. On this day, energies work against you personally. Essentially, the Personal Day Clash is akin to clashes of the year and month. The difference between them, of course, lies in the fact that this is specifically a "personal" clash, not a clash of the year or month.
Heavenly Star of Wealth
Among the Personal Stars that contribute to financial success, the Heavenly Star of Wealth (天偏財 Tian Pian Cai) stands out. To determine it, you need to know your bazi chart. The relationship between the Heavenly Stem of your birth day (Personal Element) and the Heavenly Stem of the current day determines the Heavenly Star of Wealth.
Travelling Horse
The Travelling Horse (祿馬 or Lu Ma) is one of the personal stars in bazi astrology that promotes the acceleration of all processes and advancement in endeavors. It is also known as the Postal Horse, Travel Horse, Riding Horse or Sky Horse. It symbolizes improvement in financial status, wealth, and travels. It is responsible for any swift actions, accelerates and sets everything in motion.
Personal Star of Fading
There are days when you should not go to the doctor unless absolutely necessary. These are the days accompanied by your Personal Star of Fading (絕星 Jue Xing). Usually, such days have a bad effect on medical procedures and the progress of treatment.
Heavenly Doctor
The Heavenly Doctor (天醫 Tian Yi) in Bazi and date selection is a personal star that promotes successful treatment. A day of the Heavenly Doctor is favorable for seeking medical help, medical procedures and operations. On such a day you can meet a good doctor, and treatment started on this day will be more successful.
Punishments in Bazi
At a basic level, the meaning of Punishment in Bazi can be explained as a situation that arose as a result of some action in the past, the effect of which haunts a person in the present. Something has been said or done previously and is manifested in a person’s present life. Punishment has primarily a psychological effect and, to a lesser extent, a physical effect. Almost always it is connected with how a person relates to certain events, people, and life situations.
The Fire Punishment or Ungrateful Penalty
In Bazi astrology, we take into account when Punishment affects a person’s Bazi chart, that is, all the animals are already in the chart, or some are in the chart, and some “come” in periods of good fortune, years or other periods of time.
Self Penalty in Bazi
The meaning of Self Penalty in Bazi, as the name suggests, is that a person does something that is obviously wrong, often realizes the wrongness of his actions, but cannot refuse them. This is similar to how many smokers cannot quit their addiction, although they are well aware of its harm to their own health.
The Earth punishment in Bazi
The Earth punishment is also called "Frightening Punishment", "Humiliating Punishment" or "Bully Punishment", as it imbues the recipient with corresponding internal qualities. It can manifest itself in two ways: externally, when someone bullies a person, or internally, when a person “bullies” himself. The cause of such situations is a person’s own carelessness.
Clash of the House of Marriage in Bazi
The Clash of the House of Marriage days in Bazi are determined by the Earthly branch (the so-called “animal of the Chinese horoscope”) of the day you were born. Many people know that they were born in the year of the Tiger, Goat, Horse or other animal. But the complete Bazi horoscope consists of four “pillars”: year, month, day and hour. The earthly branch of the birthday is called the "Palace of Marriage" in the Bazi (it is also called the House of Marriage or the House of Matrimony)
Personal Clash in Bazi
Personal Clash (沖天 Chong Tian) is a day that does not harmonize well with your Bazi horoscope. This day can bring not only increased aggressiveness and conflict, but also making wrong decisions. Businesses started on this day may encounter obstacles in the future. Personal Clash days are calculated with the Heavenly Pillar of your birthday, which in Bazi is called the “Personality Element” or “Day Officer.”
Yin Yang Error
Personal Storage Star


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General Day stars

General Day stars are additional factors that indicate the favorableness of the day based on the interaction of day and year, day and month. Unlike Personal Stars, they influence the luck of the day for all people on Earth.

General Hours

Choosing an auspicious hour is an important part of the art of choosing dates. A good hour can neutralize the negativity of the day.

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Personal Day stars

There are both General Day stars and Personal ones. These stars show the auspiciousness of the day personally for each person, taking into account his Bazi horoscope.